Government of Nepal, Ministry of Finance, Customs Department Notice of invite for on-line Application for Bhansar Agent License (customs agent License). Applications square measure invited from the subsequent qualified persons for the license of Bhansar Agent as per Rule thirty seven Sub-Rule (1) of the Customs Rules, 2064.
Interested persons who have reached the specified minimum qualifications ought to apply through the link of the bhansar agent system of the customs agent on the web site of this department computer network.
Demand post number: 660
Minimum qualification needed
A) Nepali national who has reached twenty one years aged.
B) a minimum of three (three) months computer training associated with laptop by graduating or passing from a recognized institution.
C) there’s no quantity left to be paid to the govt. of Nepal, no criminal charges are verified by the court.
Type of Examination: – Written and Interview.
Examination Centers: The examination centers are placed solely at intervals the capital of Nepal.
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curriculum Details-syllabus for Written Exam

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