Class 12 Exam Routine 2079 [2078] NEB Class 12 Exam Schedule

NEB Class 12 Exam Routine 2078 2079 was published by National Examination board (NEB) Rastriya Pariksha Board, Government of Nepal, National Examination Board, Examination Control Office. Class 12 exam schedule has been published by Rastriya Pariksha Board, NEB National Examination Board Nepal. According to NEB class 12 exam routine 2079 details timetable routine, Class 12 exam routine 2078 is started from 2079 Jesth 16. You can find the details of Rastriya Pariksha Board Class 12 Annual Exam Routine is in below.

Class 12 Exam Routine 2078 2079 Management Education Science Humanity Law Sanskrit All Faculty

Class 12 Exam Starts Date: 2079/02/16
Class 12 Exam time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

NEB class 12 exam routine 2079
Class 12 exam routine 2079

Routine of class 12 Management Faculty New course

The class 12 exam routine 2078 2079 for management faculty of the new course is as below schedule. You need to confirm it in the below exam notice.

  1. 2079/02/16 : Comp. English
  2. 2079/02/17 : Comp. Nepali
  3. 2079/02/18 :Comp. Social Stud & Life Skill
  4. 2079/02/20 :  Accounting
  5. 2079/02/22 :  Economics/ Marketting
  6. 2079/02/24 :  Business Studies
  7. 2079/02/25 : Business Mathematics/ Computer Science / Hotel Management
  8. 2079/02/ :Travel & Tourism Elements of Finance

Schedule of Class 12 Exam 2078 2079 Science Faculty

The class 12 exam schedule 2078 2079 for Science faculty of the new course is as below schedule. You need to confirm it in the below exam notice.

  1. 2079/02/16 : Comp. English
  2. 2079/02/17 :  Comp. Nepali
  3. 2079/02/18 :  Mathematics
  4. 2079/02/20 : Physics
  5. 2079/02/22 :  Chemistry
  6. 2079/02/24 :  Biology
  7. 2079/02/25 : Computer Science

NEB Class 12 Exam Routine 2078 2079 Education Faculty New Course

The class 12 exam routine 2078 2079 for Education faculty of the new course is as below schedule. You need to confirm it in the below exam notice.

  1. 2079/02/16 :  Comp. English 
  2. 2079/02/17 : Comp. Nepali 
  3. 2079/02/18 : Comp. Social Stud & Life Skill 
  4. 2079/02/20 :  Instructional Pedagogy & Evaluation
  5. 2079/02/22 :  Optional Economics/ Opt. Nepali
  6. 2079/02/23 : Optional English
  7. 2079/02/24 :  Education & Development 
  8. 2079/02/25 :  Mathematics Health & Physical Education

Notice of class 12 Exam Routine 2078 2079 Humanities Faculty

The class 12 exam routine 2078 2079 for humanities faculty of the new course is as below schedule. You need to confirm it in the below exam notice.

  1. 2079/02/16 : Comp. English 
  2. 2079/02/17 :  Comp. Nepali
  3. 2079/02/18 : Comp. Social Stud & Life Skill
  4. 2079/02/20 : RD/ History
  5. 2079/02/22 : Opt. Economics / Opt. Nepali  
  6. 2079/02/23 :  Optional English 
  7. 2079/02/24 :  Geography/ Sociology/ Linguistics /Political Sciences
  8. 2079/02/25 :  Mathematics

The question paper will send to centers through online which is started from last year examination. According to the board officials, the class 12 examination will be conducted in the physical presence of the students. The examination center will be provided soon.

NEB class 12 exam routine 2079

NEB class 12 exam routine 2079 is published. Students need to prepare accordingly as per below schedule. NEB class 12 exam routine 2079

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Class 12 routine 2079
Class 12 exam routine
Class 12 exam date time 2079
Class 12 examination routine Date

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