Community Development and Advocacy Forum Nepal – CDAFN Jobs Nepal

Community Development and Advocacy Forum Nepal – CDAFN Jobs Nepal published. Candidates can send their CV, cover letter, and documents to CDAFN’s email address. The deadline to apply date is Shrawan 10,2080.

With the financial support of Save the Children, Community Development and Advocacy Forum Nepal (CDAFN) Bardiwas, Mahottari sponsored a Sponsorship Program and Child Sensitive Social Protection-CSSP in 5 municipalities/villages (Bardibas, Gaushala, Bhangaha, Aurhi and Loharpati) of Mahottari district. (Access Project) as the program is going to be conducted under the agreement.

This application is called for Nepalese citizens who have reached the age of 18 years and not more than 45 years of age who have reached the required qualifications as per the demand, as the employees as per the details are required for the said project and program and the positions have to be filled immediately.

(१) Project Coordinator

(२) Field Officer

(३) Admin & Logistics Officer

(४) Finance Officer

(५) MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning) Officer

(६) Sponsorship Program Officer

(७) Assistant Sponsorship Program Officer

(८) Field Supervisor

(९) Overseer / Sub-Engineer (Civil)

(१०) Admin Logistic Assistant

(११) Finance Assistant

(१२) MEAL Assistant

(१३) Sponsorship Program Assistant (SPA)

(१४) Community Mobilizer

CDAFN Jobs Vacancy Details:

Community Development and Advocacy Forum Nepal
Community Development & Advocacy Forum Nepal (CDAFN)
CDAFN Bardibas Jobs

Community Development & Advocacy Forum Nepal (CDAFN)

Community Development & Advocacy Forum Nepal (CDAFN) is a non-profit and a non-governmental organization. It was established in 2006 in Mahottari district in Nepal and registered under Social Welfare Council (registration number 19921 dated 2006/07/02). The organization was formed and operated by a group of professionals of natural resource management and social development sectors. CDAFN has been implementing projects for natural resources management, watershed management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and agriculture-based livelihoods for more than 16 years in different districts of Madhesh province. For the last 5 years, the organization has successfully completed various

projects along the Ratu watershed from upstream side to its downstream areas with funding support from Caritas Germany/Caritas Nepal, President Chure Conservation Program, Home Garden project of SDC & LI-BIRD, ELIVES project of DFID, ADRA UK/Nepal & iDE Nepal, Greening the Jaleshwor Municipality Program and COVID-19 Recovery support to COVID affected families project of UNDP. Moreover, over the past 15 years, CDAFN has been involved in different short term and long-term projects including emergency humanitarian support program in the Chure and Terai regions in which a total of 15000 households have benefitted directly, and above 25,000 households indirectly. Currently, CDAFN has 6 ongoing projects in the sector of DRRM, Livelihood & climate change adaptation, COVID-19 Economic recovery and emergency support. The 3 years’ project of Caritas Germany (CDRRP) and the 42 months’ project of ADRA UK and Austrian Development Cooperation (LIRIC) are continued from the 1st quarter of 2020. Similarly, Helvetas and LGs funded Riverbed farming program is being continued from 2019. COVID-19 Economic Recovery project of UNDP and LGs, ICIMOD supported Community Based Flood Early Warning System (CBFEWS) in the Koshi basin of Nepal are other key projects that CDAFN has been implementing from the year 2020.

Besides the projects listed above, CDAFN has also provided emergency COVID support to hospitals and affected families collaborating with Caritas Germany/Nepal, ADRA Nepal and Helvetas. These are being done to provide timely support to Hospitals with different medical equipment and the vulnerable, disabled, poor and marginalized with emergency food, shelter and livelihood resumption. These were well coordinated and effectively accomplished projects in 2021.

CDAFN has good experience in carrying out the riverbed farming. From the riverbed farming, farmers get the opportunity to use the riverbed during the dry season to commercially produce vegetables and sell to generate some income. In many cases of our intervention, the riverbeds are converted into fruit orchard with minimum cultural practices and thereby gradually started vegetable farming for short cycle crop production and income generation.

CDAFN’s innovations, best practices, and the working modalities in the sector NRM and river system management have been well recognized and replicated by several stakeholders working in similar sectors, like the government agencies, civil societies, NGOs and INGOs. It is important to recognize that CDAFN emphasizes partnerships and collaboration with government, NGO/INGOs, private sector and media.

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