Are you looking for how to fill NOU registration form online? Then it is the right place to know it’s processed and the step that guides you to the payment method and upload the payment bill. It helps all students who read/study in Nepal Open University (NOU). NOU is the best university in Nepal that provides you with regular classes and online and offline experiences with experienced professors.
How to fill NOU registration form online?
You need to fill NOU registration form online to complete the following steps;
- Go to the official NOU website
- Click on Students Information System
- Login with your username and password that is the same as the entrance form (username and password)
- Click the NOU registration button from the left of a web portal.
- You will see online and upload voucher/Screenshot bottom.
- Do not click online bottom because it is not an official link with Esewa, Khalti or connect ips or any bank. So you need to pay the registration fee through a manual bank or you can payment through online banking, or eSewa, Khalti, or connect IPS where your name and NOU’s roll number are compulsorily seen or written when you may it online or bank deposit.
- Click on voucher/Screenshot and upload your voucher or screenshot and click on submit bottom
- You will get the pending message on the screen then you need to wait for approval.
How do I pay the NOU registration fee online?
If you want to pay the NOU registration fee online, then you need to complete the following steps;
Step 1: Choose your online payment getaway like Connect IPS or mobile banking or online/internet banking.
Step 2: Click or choose payment through banking option or banking.
Step 3: Then fill out the form as suggested below.
Account Name: NEPAL KHULLA BISHWOBIDHYALAYA (Nepal Open University)
Account Number: 00501010000502 (or as per notice)
Creditor Bank: Global IME Bank Limited
Transaction Details: Your Name – Roll no of NOU
Step 4: Then click on Submit or Payment at the bottom.
Step 5: Other information are same as payment done.
Step 6: Download payment Voucher/bill that may be in pdf format.
Step 7: That voucher needs to be uploaded to the NOU registration voucher/screenshot option.
This method works for all students but you need to read the notice if there is any change you should change here in the process and if you have any questions, please contact us in the comments.