Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for General Public has opened on Ashwin 20, 2078. Interested applicants can apply for this public offering to the general public (IPO) from Ashwin 20 to Ashwin 25, 2078. The Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO Issue date is 2078-06-20 BS/2021-10-06 AD and the madhya bhotekoshi ipo closing date is 2078-06-25 BS/2021-10-11 AD. but if it is not fully subscribed till the date, it will be extended up to Kartik 03, 2078. But it will be subscribed within Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO last date.
A total of the offered 90,00,000 units shares; 4% of the total offered shares (3,60,000 units) have been allocated for the employees of the company and 5% of the total offered shares (4,50,000 units) have been allocated for the mutual funds. The remaining 81,90,000 units are opening for the general public now.
How many share to apply for this IPO ?

Applicants can apply for minimum of 10 units to maximum of 10,000 units share for this madhya bhotekoshi ipo 2021. But you only need to apply for 10 units share because only 8,19,000 applicants can receive the 10 units share each. It is also on the basis of lottery system.
Global IME Capital Limited is the issue manager for the IPO. The sub-issue managers are NIBL Ace Capital, Prabhu Capital, Laxmi Capital, Civil Capital, Sanima Capital and CBIL Capital. The company has already issued 10% of the company’s capital to the locals and 15% to the general public issued now. The Madhya Bhotekoshi ipo got the ‘CARE-NP IPO Grade 4+’ to the proposed Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidyut Company Limited (MBJCL). ‘CARE-NP IPO Grade 4+’ indicates Below Average Fundamentals in performance.
Madhya Bhotekoshi Capacity
Madhya Bhotekoshi Capacity is 102 MW. Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidyut Company Ltd. is a public limited company established on July 29, 2010. It is promoted by NEA (a GoN Corporation) and Chilime Hydropower Company Limited (CHCL, 51% subsidiary of NEA) for setting up 102 MW run-of-river, Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project in Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal.
How to apply Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO from MeroShare ? How to apply IPO online in Nepal ?
If you are thinking about How to apply Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO from MeroShare ? or how to apply IPO online in Nepal, you need to go page. How to apply ipo through asba ? The same method for apply IPO though ASBA. So, the following steps to know how to apply ipo from mero share ? or how to apply ipo from meroshare ?
- Go to official website meroshare cdsc com np login
- Select Your DP (Bank or Capital where you open your mero share and CRN account)
- Enter the user name and password,
- Click on login bottom
- Go to my ASBA
- Click on my ASBA
- See on the Apply on issue
- Click on the Apply bottom
- Fill the required information (Select bank account, number of applied share)
- Enter the CRN number in same page and click on all information is current option,
- Then click on apply
- Then write the four digit security code or OTP
- Then submit
- Application was completed; you will see that successfully applied with green color.
How do I apply for an IPO online?
APPLY Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO from IPO Result Mero Share APP
Madhya bhotekoshi ipo price
Madhya bhotekoshi ipo price is Rs. 100 for apply of IPO. This will be traded in secondary market at Rs.405.33. The estimated price of Madhya bhotekoshi ipo will reach up to Rs. 700 to Rs. 900. So, this is the good news for Madhya bhotekoshi ipo investors.
Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for Public – Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO 2021
Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for Public opened in 2021 and it gives us the investment opportunities who wants to invest small amount for long term or short term earning. Before applying, learn about company from here below;
Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO Project: Introduction
Type of Project: | Run-of-River (ROR) |
Design flow: | 50.8 m3/sec |
Gross Head: | 235 m |
Headworks: | Gated Weir Type with Undersluice and Side Intake |
Desanding Basin Type & Size: | Surface, 100 m(l) x 13 m(w) x 8.5 m(h) |
Tunnel Length & Size: | 7124 m x 5.7 m(w) x 5.7 m(h) |
Powerhouse Type & Size: | Surface Powerhouse 52 m(l) x 15 m(b) x 25.5 m(h) |
Turbine: Unit Capacity: | Type, Orientation & Number Francis, Vertical Axis & 3 Nos. 34 MW |
Generator Unit Capacity & Nos.: | 40 MVA & 3 Nos. |
Installed Capacity: | 102 MW (3 x 34 MW) |
Annual Salable Energy: | 542.2 GWh |
Dry Energy: | 83.7 GWh |
Wet Energy: | 458.5GWh |
Transmission Line Length/ Voltage: | 4 km/Single Circuit 220 kV |
Status of Madhya Bhotekoshi Project
- Certificate of Company Registration & Certificate of Commencement of Business were received from Office of Company Registrar (OCR) on July 29, 2010 & August 29, 2011 respectively.
- Survey License for Power Generation received from Ministry of Energy on April 8, 2011.
- Connection Agreement for power evacuation was done with NEA on August 25, 2011 and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was signed on November 14, 2011.
- Tripartite Loan Agreement between was signed between EPF, CHCL and the company on December 8, 2011
- The project started construction by February 11, 2014 and targeted to complete the project by the end of December 2020.
- Consulting services is awarded to Tractebel Engineering GmbH( formerly Lahmeyer Internation GmbH(LI)) in association with TMS.
- Detailed Project Report has been completed.
- Hydrological measurements at headworks and powerhouse site is being continued.Surface geological investigation including drilling in headworks and powerhouse as well as sub-surface exploration with HRT has been carried out to determine the geological condition in the key structure locations.
- Land acquisition process is in Final Stage of completion.
- Test Adit is completed by Himal Hydro Construction Ltd.
- Camp Facilities are constructed.
- Diversion Tunnel Constructed by Himal Hydro Construction Ltd.
- EIA approved 12 th November 2013
- Generation License received December 03, 2013
- Lot-1 (Civil and Hydromechanical works) contract is awarded to Guangxi Hydroelectric Construction Bureau.
- Lot2 Electro-Mechanical Contract is Awarded to Andritz Hydro Private Limited in association with Trade Link International.
- Transmission Line works Contract is Awarded to Urja-AC JV Lalitpur, Nepal on July 27, 2018.
- IEE of Transmission Line approved on May 23, 2019 (2076/02/09)
Who can not apply to this Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for General Public ?
Do you know that you are eligible to apply or not this IPO or who can’t apply to this Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for general public ? Before Apply, please know about it. If you did not eligible to apply, then your application will be rejected.
- If you had already applied this company IPO as PF contributors and you had already allotted the IPO of this company, you can’t apply for this IPO for this time. If you will apply, your application will be rejected.
- Employees of the founding shareholder organization and project affected people who had already applied of the IPO and allotted, they can’t apply for this IPO. If they will apply, the application will cancel.
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