Mailung Khola Hydropower IPO Result

Mailung Khola Hydropower IPO Result announced and 684746 unites shares allocated to general public, 14726 unites shares for its employees and 36814 unites shares for the mutual fund.  

According to issue manager, Siddhartha Capital Limited, 21,18,925 applicants had applied for a total of 2,85,41,840 units shares. So, the issue IPO was oversubscribed 41.68 times.

Mailung Khola Hydropower IPO Result
Mailung Khola Hydropower IPO Result

Mailung Khola Jal Vidhdyut Company Limited had issued 3,68,144 unit IPO shares for the locals of the project-affected area of Rasuwa district. A total of 1,84,072 units shares allocated to the most affected local people of Dadagau and Ramche. Remaining 1,84,072 units shares allocated for less affected local people of Raswa District.

After the IPO issue, the company paid up capital will reach Rs.36.81 Crore. The share radio of company will be 70% of promoters, 10% of project affected area and 20% of General public. The company’s authorized capital is Rs 75 crore. The company runs a 5 MW Mailung Khola Hydropower project located in Haku VDC, Rasuwa district.

How to check Mailung Khola IPO Result ?

How to check Mailung Khola IPO Result ? We can check the result from cdsc ipo result page or ipo result cdsc com np nepal or an ipo result mero share page. These are the official webpage to check the result of IPO. Go to those official result pages of IPO, you needs to provide the required information and you will get the result.

Mailung Khola Jalvidhyut Company Limited IPO Result

According to Mailung Khola Jalvidhyut Company Limited IPO Result allotment, the applicants received the 1o units of company share. The IPO is around 7 Lakhs but the applicants were above 21 Lakhs. So, the demand of this IPO in secondary market got the buying pressure and its value increased up to Rs.700.

Mailung Khola IPO Allotment

Mailung Khola IPO Allotment completed today at issue manager office. According to issue manager, IPO allotment of Mailung Khola Jal Vidhyut Company allocated to lucky 68,474 investors with 10 units and remaining 19,96,650 applicants return empty hands. Out of them six lucky investors got the extra one unit share of company.

IPO Allotment Details of Mailung Khola Hydropower Company

The Name of IPO CompanyMailung Khola Hydropower Company
Issue ManagerSiddhartha Capital Limited
Security TypeCommon Stock -IPO
IPO Issued Date2078-4-14 to 2078-4-18
IPO Face ValueRs. 100
Total Number of IPO Shares736,286 Units
The share allocated for Mutual Fund (5%)36,814 Units
The Share allocated for employees (2%)14726 Units
Total Share for General Public ( 93%)6,84,746 Units
Total number of Applicants21,18,925
Total Number of Allotted Kitta684745 Kitta
Total Number of Allottee66,874 applicants
Mailung Khola IPO Allotment

Mailung Khola Hydropower IPO Result Date

Mailung Khola Hydropower IPO Result Date is on August 10, 2021. The actual time is at 9:00 AM as per issue manager. Mailung Khola IPO Result Date is fixed for Tuesday. When the IPO result announced, the page will be updated and you can find the result of IPO from this website above suggested methods.

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