Mero Share Login
If you want to apply IPO, FPO, Rights Share and debenture, then you need to Mero Share login. Mero Share Login is the door for investors to invest small amount in share market.
To buy and sell share online, CDSC developed the Meroshare software which helps to investors to trade share in the Nepalese Capital Market. Its very important role to make online and cashless transaction through bank. CDS and Clearing Limited is operating it in share market. IPO Result – Nepali Mero Share App is also useful you to apply any IPO, FPO, right shares, mutual fund and debenture. This app is also helped you to check IPO, FPO, Rights share, mutual fund and debenture result in real time.

How to apply IPO from Meroshare ?
If you thinking to apply IPO from Mero Share, yes you need to follow our recommendation and tips which is described in the article. Mero Share is commonly used for apply IPO, check result of IPO, FPO and right share and share transfer when we sell the share from our portfolio. You can also see your portfolio and individual details from Meroshare.
How to apply IPO online in Nepal ? how to apply ipo from mero share ? or how to apply share from mero share ?
If you are thinking about how to apply IPO online in Nepal, you need to go page. How to apply ipo through asba ? The same method for apply IPO though ASBA. So, the following steps to know how to apply ipo from mero share ? or how to apply ipo from meroshare ?
- Go to official website meroshare cdsc com np login
- Select Your DP (Bank or Capital where you open your mero share and CRN account)
- Enter the user name and password,
- Click on login bottom
- Go to my ASBA
- Click on my ASBA
- See on the Apply on issue
- Click on the Apply bottom
- Fill the required information (Select bank account, number of applied share)
- Enter the CRN number in same page and click on all information is current option,
- Then click on apply
- Then write the four digit security code or OTP
- Then submit
- Application was completed; you will see that successfully applied with green color.
Mero Share Login
You need to select your DP, write username and put password to Login. Mero Share Login is easy to use from desktop and any mobile device. Mero Share Login is needed to apply any share online. If you have mero share login, then you can check your portfolio easily.
Mero Share
Mero Share is popular in Nepal to apply share, transfer share and check portfolio. Mero Share is easy to use at Desktop and Cell Phone. So, Mero Share is the tool to apply any IPO, Right Share and FPO through online.
How do I apply for an IPO online?
How do I apply for an IPO online? Please follow the above suggested method to apply IPO online. If you did not have idea then you can go to the bank where you opened the meroshare account, fill the manual form of IPO and submitted to bank.
Can I apply IPO from trading account?
No. Trading account is only used to buy or share the share from secondary market. So, you can’t apply IPO from trading account.
Can I apply for IPO anytime?
Yes. You can apply for IPO anytime. But you need to follow the time duration of IPO opening. If IPO opened from 5 to 10 of any month, then you can apply within those days but anytime you can apply.
How to open Mero Share account online ?
Are you looking for the How to open Mero Share account online ? Then you need to know about your bank or capital which provides the online service to open the mero share account online. You can go to bank official website and click on online apply. Then you choose the mero share account online opening section. Fill the all required information and submit. You will get the Mero share account with temporary password in your email account. You need to change your login password.
How to get CRN number
If you are thinking that how to get CRN number, then you need to follow the above mero share account opening method. Some of the bank or capital provides you to open the mero share and CRN number in same time and process.
CRN number means
CRN number means -ASBA Registration Number which is provided by Banks and financial institutions to each investor after verifying the beneficiary account of the investor. If you have the CRN number then you can apply for any IPO, FPO and Right Share from the bank account.
Mero Share Application Form
Mero Share Application Form is very simple where you provide your name, address, phone number, user id from DP, email and your bank account number. Then you need to pay Rs.50 to open the Mero share account on the most of the bank. This cost may differ as per bank. For example, see here Mero Share application form nic asia bank.
How to Check IPO Result from Mero Share ?
You can check your IPO Result from Mero Share. If you want to know the Mero share IPO result, please follow the following steps;
- Go to the Mero Share Official page
- Click on My ASBA
- Click on Application Report
- Click on Report bottom of issue IPO
- And See in the status
- If Mero share updated IPO result, then you will see there allotted IPO number or Not Allotted message. This is the valid method of checking IPO result of any company.
- What is a depository?
A depository facilitates the holding and/or transacting securities in book entry form. In other words, a depository takes the ownership guarantee of the shareholders by holding those securities and other market instruments which are listed in the secondary market, distributed or allotted and can be deposited into the electronic form. The investor has to open a demat account to avail the services of depository. Additionally, the depository maintains the record in the account of the investors.
- What kind of company is CDS and Clearing Ltd. (CDSC)?
CDS and Clearing Ltd. is the sole depository in Nepal established in 2067 B.S. under Company Act 2063 with an objective to render service of dematerialization of securities. It is wholly owned subsidiary company of Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd. (NEPSE). The authorized capital and issued capital of CDSC is NRs. 500 million and NRs. 300 million respectively.
- What is the objective of CDSC?
The major objective of CDSC is to render the service by dematerializing the securities (such as shares, preference shares, debentures, bond, government securities, etc.) and update the transactions in the record by safeguarding the deposit on behalf of the buyers.
- What are the services provided by CDSC?
The services CDSC provides are as mentioned below:
– Deposit, withdrawal and transfer of securities,
– Electronic credit of securities directly into the investor’s demat account allotted in Initial Public Offering (IPO), – To safeguard the investors’ securities into the electronic form and to debit/credit the particular investor’s account as per the transactions occurred in the book entry system,
– Quicker distribution of securities allotted by issuers under IPO and corporate actions and benefits of the issuers,
– To provide secure and convenient electronic procedures for pledge and unpledge of securities.
– To provide updated statement and reconciliation statement.
- Who are the parties involved with CDSC?
- The following parties are involved with CDSC:
- Beneficial Owner (BO) : The investor
– Depository Participant (DP) : Agent of the depository
– Issuer : Issuing Company
– Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) : Agent of the Issuer
– Stock Brokers
What is Dematerialization (Demat)?
Dematerialization is a process of converting physical securities into electronic form.
What are the purpose of opening a demat account?
The purpose of opening a demat account are as mentioned below:
– To convert the physical securities into the electronic form,
– To deposit and transfer the NEPSE listed securities in a dematerialized form ,
– To credit the securities allotted through IPO and corporate actions (such as rights share issue, bonus issue, merger, etc.) in a dematerialized form,
– To receive the statement of the securities held in a demat account,
– To pledge the securities held in a demat account,
– To rematerialize the securities held in a demat account.
What is rematerialization (Remat)?
Rematerialization is the process of converting securities held in a demat account in electronic form back in physical certificate form.
What is rematerialization (Remat)?
Rematerialization is the process of converting securities held in a demat account in electronic form back in physical certificate form.
Who is a Beneficial Owner (BO)?
A Beneficial Owner is the person who have opened the demat account with CDSC through a registered DP in order to deposit their securities or instruments which are capable of being deposited in demat form.
Who is a Beneficial Owner (BO)?
A Beneficial Owner is the person who have opened the demat account with CDSC through a registered DP in order to deposit their securities or instruments which are capable of being deposited in demat form.
Who is a Depository Participant (DP)?
A Depository Participant is an agent of the depository who has received the registration certificate from the Security Board of Nepal and the membership license from CDSC.
– To be an authorized DP, the DP has to comply following eligibility criteria:
– Shall be a Bank or Financial Institution, Stock Broker, Registrar and Transfer Agent, custodian or such other entity as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time,
– Shall have minimum net worth of rupees ten million,
– Have not been black listed by Credit Information Bureau.
Who is an Issuer?
An issuer means any entity such as corporate bodies/ government organizations that issue securities or market instruments to the public to raise its capital and those securities and instruments can be held in depository in electronic form.
Who is a Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA)?
Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) means any person / body corporate who on behalf of any corporate body, maintains the records of holders of securities issued by such body corporate and deals with all matters connected with the transfer and redemption of its securities.
What is an ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)?
An ISIN is a unique 12 digit alphanumeric code given to the securities such as shares, preference shares, debentures, bonds, etc. when the security is admitted in the depository system. The first two digits of the ISIN code indicate country of registration for the security.
What is BOID (Beneficial Owner Identification Number)?
BOID is a unique 16 digit identification number given to BO which is generated only when BO opens the demat account in CDSC through an authorized DP. BOID must be mentioned in all future transactions. BOID cannot be duplicate. It means two BOs cannot have same BOID which replicates that the securities cannot be transferred into the wrong account.
Can different securities issued by the same issuer have same ISIN?
No, different securities issued by the same issuer will have different ISIN code.
What are the services provided by a DP to the investors?
DP provides the following services to the investors:
– To open the demat account, DDematerialization of securities, – Rematerialization of securities,
– To maintain record of securities in the electronic form,
– Settlement trades by transferring/receiving the securities from/in BO accounts,
– Settlement of off-market trades that is occurred between BOs outside NEPSE,
– To provide electronic credit of securities allotted by issuers during IPOs,
– To deposit the non financial corporate benefits (such as: bonus, right shares, etc.) issued by issuers in the demat account of BOs,
– To facilitate in pledging of dematerialized securities.
Which software does CDSC use for depository system?
Who is the provider of that software? CDSC uses three different software for depository system. They are as follows:
a.Central Depository Accounting System (CDAS)
b.Clearing and Settlement (CNS)
c.DP Secure (DPS)
The above mentioned software is provided by CMC Limited. These software are also been used by Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL). CDSL has been providing various advices and technical support to CDSC.
What kind of company is CDSL?
CDSL is sponsored by the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) and a cross-section of leading Indian & foreign banks. While 36.61% of the equity capital of CDSL is held by BSE, more than 62% is held by leading banks. CDSL facilitates the holding of securities that are listed in secondary market of India in electronic form and enables securities transactions to be processed by book entry through a DP.
What precaution does CDSC apply for the security of data in the system?
The data in CDSC system is very significant. CDSC implies the proper precautions to secure the processed and stored data. This system safeguards the data from unauthorized access, misuse and unpredictable loss. CDSC uses following back up to secure the data:
- Local Back Up
- Remote Back Up
- Disaster Recovery Site
Additionally, DP also maintains Back Up for each day transaction.