Mirmire Laghubitta FPO Result Date

Mirmire Laghubitta FPO Result Date is on November 2, 2023. The IPO distribution event will be held at 8:30 AM morning at this date.

Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MMFDB)  issued a total of 1,23,816.45 unit FPO shares at a par value of Rs. 100 from 25th Ashwin, 2080 to 30th Ashwin, 2080. The IPO was oversubscribed by 130 times.

After the allocation of the FPO, the company’s public share structure will be reached to 70:30 ratio which is required for the company.

How to check Mirmire laghubitta FPO Result, Mero Share CDSC Com Np is the website portal for it.

Mirmire Laghubitta FPO Result Date

Applicants need to know how to get IPO results. Mero Share CDSC is the authentic portal to know it. But you need to know how to use it. We describe here to best way to use this portal and for the case of IPO results, you can find results from the Mirmire Laghubitta FPO Result Date page of Mero Share and the Issue manager’s website’s result page. Investors have been using Meroshare.cdsc.com.np IPO Results from the beginning.

CDS & Clearing Limited is the owner of the IPO result web portal. When Mero Share did not work for IPO results, then CDSC opened a new website to find the IPO Results fast.

The IPO can apply from mero share and IPO results can be found from the IPO result Meroshare page, the issue manager’s IPO page and the Mero share website.  

You can find the details process of FPO result check from kaamkura.com

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