People’s Power Limited IPO Result – Mero Share CDSC IPO Result of People’s Power Limited

People’s Power Limited IPO Result published today by Prabhu Capital Limited. The IPO allotment of People’s Power Limited (PEPL) concluded on Bhadra 12 at 2 PM. The IPO allotment was held at the premises of Prabhu Capital Ltd in Kamaladi, Kathmandu.

The People’s Power Limited (PEPL) opened a total of 24,67,400 units shares worth Rs. 24.67 lakhs to the general public from Shrawan 31 till 5th Bhadra, 2079.

According to IPO Result CDSC, a total of 16,12,322 applicants had applied for a total of 1,82,87,500 units worth Rs. 1.82 Arba for this IPO. The IPO was oversubscribed by more than 7.96 times upto the closing day.

People’s Power Limited IPO Result
People’s Power Limited IPO Result

As per the IPO Result Mero share, out of the offered 24,67,400 units share, A total of 49,348 units were allocated for the employees of the company, a total of 123,370 units had been allocated for the mutual funds and the remaining 22,94,682 units share has been allocated for the general public.

CARE Ratings Nepal Limited (CRNL) has assigned rating of ‘CARE-NP B+ (Is)’ to People’s Power Limited. Issuers with this rating are considered to have high risk of default regarding timely servicing of financial obligations.

The paid-up capital of the company will reach to Rs. 63.26 Crores after the IPO issuance. The total promoter and public shareholding ratio of the company will be 51: 49 after the IPO issuance.

Peoples Power Limited was established on January 26, 2017. It is promoted by individual promoters for the setting up of a 4.96MW run-of-river Upper Puwa-II hydropower project. The project is being constructed under “BOOT” (Build, Own, Operate and transfer) model and is located in Sakhejung and Maipokhari VDC of Ilam district of Nepal. The expected COD of the project is June 30, 2022.

Prabhu Capital Limited IPO Result

Prabhu Capital Limited IPO Result
Prabhu Capital Limited IPO Result

Prabhu Capital Limited IPO Result can check you to follow the below steps. If you are an investor in this IPO and want to check results now, then you can find the IPO result notice from Prabhu Capital Limited. It is the one of the best way to finding out the IPO result.

The IPO result notice is available on Prabhu Capital Limited share allotment page now. To check the result of the IPO, please follow the steps suggested you below.

  1. Go to Prabhu Capital Limited Share Allotment page site allotment-check
  2. Select the company name from the list
  3. Write Your 16 Digits Demat Number
  4. Then click on the Check button

You will find the IPO result there. You can take a screenshot of the result if you want and save it for your record. We hope that it will help you to find IPO results now if you are a new investor or old.


Are you looking for IPO Result CDSC COM NP to find out the result of IPO ? If Yes, it is here with the guideline to find out any IPO result when it published. Before checking any IPO Result CDSC or CDSC IPO Result you need to ensure your 16 digit BOID. You need the 16 digit BOID to get Mero Share IPO Result or IPO Result CDSC com np Nepal. IPO Result CDSC can help you to find the People’s Power Limited Bittiya Sanstha Limited (PEPL) share allotment at IPOResult CDSC com np IPO Result page. You need to click the above link and follow the step-by-step process to get results fast and first. It is another way to get the result of the People’s Power Limited IPO.

How to Check IPO Result at Mero Share (Allotment) of People’s Power Limited (PEPL):

Investors of this People’s Power Limited (PEPL) can check their IPO result allotment by login at the direct Mero Share link –

You can follow the step by step:

  • Login at Meroshare official website –
  • Select People’s Power Limited IPO name at the dropbox;
  • Write Demat or boid number
  • Click on the ‘Submit’ button to know the result.

Your People’s Power Limited IPO allotment result status will be available on your computer and or on your Smartphone.

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