Are you looking for the Prabhu Capital IPO Result ? If yes, you are in right place. You can find the IPO result for those IPO which has issue manager of Prabhu Capital. Prabhu Capital IPO page is working properly in previous time. So, we assume that next result will be same performance.
Prabhu Capital is a one of the leading Merchant Banking Company, which was established and registered under the Company Act, 2063 and it was licensed by the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) on 21st July, 2009 (2066.04.06) to operate the Merchant Banking activities such as Issue Management, Registrar to the Share (RTS) Services, and Portfolio Management Services. The Company has obtained operating license from Registrar Office of Companies (ROC) on 1st September, 2009 (2066.05.16). The Company also obtained the license of underwriting of Securities from Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) on 9th September, 2010 (2067.05.24).
Prabhu Capital is the purely non fund based Merchant Banking Company, which was established in the initiation of Development Bank Association of Nepal (DBAN). The Major Promoters of the Prabhu Capital were 11 Development Banks, 6 Commercial Banks, 1 Finance Company, 2 Private Companies/Investment Companies and 37 Individuals who are related from diversified entrepreneur and professional background with excellent personal ability, high exposure in their related field, excellent track record in the banking business and also renowned personalities in the various sector of the society. The Individual Promoters have also high social profile in the country and have proven the administrative skill. The total number of promoters of Prabhu Capital are 57 where Development Bank 11, Commercial Bank 6, Finance 1, Private Companies/Investment Companies 2 and Individual 37.
How to check IPO Results on Prabhu Capital official page?
You can easily check the IPO allotment result from Prabhu Capital web page ( ) when the IPO result published by Prabhu Capital. You did not find the result on Prabhu capital share allotment page. To check result of IPO, please follow the following steps and information;
- Log in Prabhu Capital Share Allotment page site
- Select the company name from list
- Write Your 16 Digits Dmat Number
- Then click on Check button and view your IPO allotment result.
You can find the IPO result in there. You can take screen shot of result if you want and save it for your record. We hope that it will help you to find IPO result from here.
Dear Honorable Sir,
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Contact BOID bank or capital, you can do it.