Sarbottam Cement IPO result is Published today and lucky 55, 521 applicants received 50 units of shares. Applicants can check results from mero share, ipo result cdsc, Global IME Capital IPO Result page.
The IPO of the Sarbottam Cement allotment program was held at the premises of the issue manager Global IME Capital Limited, Naxal, Kathmandu today.
According to the CDSC IPO result, a total of 55,521 applicants were allotted 50 units of shares by lottery and lucky 26 applicants were allotted an extra 1 unit by lottery.
A total of 9,58,959 valid investors applied for a total of 5,05,38,310 units in this IPO. Thus the IPO was oversubscribed by 18.20 times. According to the results, a total of 9,03,438 applicants did not get any units of shares. According to the issue manager, a total of 1,342 applicants who applied for 75,050 units were disqualified due to various reasons.
Before of this IPO issued to the general public, the company issued and allocated 2,67,000 units shared for Nepalese citizens who working in abroad and a total of 9,30,000 units shares allotted to 2,48,470 units to projects affected areas applicants.
ICRA Nepal is rating of [ICRANP-IR] BBB+ (pronounced ICRA NP issuer rating triple B plus) to Sarbottam Cement Limited. ICRA Nepal is also reaffirmed the long-term rating of [ICRANP] LBBB+ (pronounced ICRA NP L triple B plus) and the short-term rating of [ICRANP] A2 (pronounced ICRA NP A two) to Sarbottam’s bank loan limits.
You can also check Sarbottam Cement IPO result from Sarbottam Cement’s official website.

Established as a flagship product of Saruabh Group, Sarbottam Cement was founded in the year 2010, however it came in operation from February, 2014. It’s head office is at Neupane Tower, Tinkune, Kathmandu with the factory situated approximately 240 km away from the Kathmandu at Sunwal, Nawalparasi. The factory has been established with an authorized capital of Rs 4,000 million. It is one of the largest cement factories of Nepal that produce their own clinker. The factory is spread over 30 bighas of land and the mine is spread over an area of 20 square kilometers for extracting limestone. At present, Sarbottam cement is employing 200+ people all across Nepal.
An innovator and pioneer of the cement industry of Nepal, Sarbottam Cement Limited (SCL) is the first cement manufacturer to use a completely European production line. Sarbottam Cement is the first manufacturer that produces cement through the use of a Vertical Roller Mill (VRM). This innovative technology allows us to save up to 50% in energy consumption, thereby drastically reducing thr carbon footprint. In this regard, Sarbottam Cement is the first Nepalese cement manufacturer which is able to produce eco-friendly or “green” cement. Sarbottam Cement purchases various mines in limestone rich from Palpa & Chitwan districts. These mines have some of the finest limestone in the country, and as a result, the Sarbottam Cement is able to deliver to their customers the highest quality cement possible.
Understanding that the majority of cement is utilized in earthquake prone areas, Sarbottam Cement is uncompromising when it comes to strength and quality. In fact, Sarbottam Cement has pledged to provide cement that all their customers can trust. Its energy efficient production methods are coupled with their high quality raw materials which means that their cement just cannot be beat – not by other manufacturers, nor by harsh elements & natural disasters.