Sikles Hydropower IPO Result published today at 9 AM and 1,05,800 Lucky Applicants received 10 units each. Mero Share CDSC IPO Result Check Sikles Hydropower Result is available now.
Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) IPO Result was distributed at the premises of BOK Capital Markets Limited, Narayanchaur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) opened its IPO of 11,50,000 units shares worth Rs. 11.50 crores to the general public from Bhadra 29 to Ashwin 02, 2079.
According to BOK Capital Markets Limited, a total of 11,50,000 units; 3% of the total offered shares (34,500 units) were allocated to the employees of the company, and 5% of the total offered shares (57,500 units) were allocated to the mutual funds. The remaining 10,58,000 units were distributed to the general public. Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) collects Rs 11.50 crore from this IPO. The paid-up capital of the company will be reached Rs. 85 Crores after the IPO is issued.
As per the report of Mero Share CDSC Result, a total of 15,38,383 applicants have applied for a total of 1,72,44,380 units worth Rs. 1.72 Arba by the last day. So, the IPO was oversubscribed by more than 16.29 times.
Sikles Hydropower IPO Result

Sikles Hydropower IPO Result isas follows;
- Total number of applicants: 15,38,383
- Total number of applied shares: 1,72,44,380 units
- Total number allocated to the general public: 10,58,000 units
- Total number of share received applicants: 1,05,800 investors
Sikles Hydropower Pvt Ltd (SHPL) was established and duly registered with the concerned agency Department of Industry with objectives to survey and construct hydropower projects in the country and to supply generated electricity to the distributors. As per prevailing laws and regulations, the company has been awarded the construction license for electricity generation after completion of feasibility and EIA study of the project by the Ministry of Energy.
The company has signed for Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Nepal Electricity Authority with an installed capacity of 13 MW on the basis of design discharge at a 43% probability of exceedance flow. The syndicated loan agreement is done with the consortium banks led by Nepal Bank Limited along with the member bank Agriculture Development Bank, Global IME Bank, Rastriya Banijya Bank, Nepal Bangladesh Bank and Siddhartha Bank Ltd.
The survey boundary lies between longitudes 84°8’45” E and 84°7’31” E and latitudes 28°22’30” N and 28°21’40” N. Thus only relevant information that differs from the previous feasibility study is included in this report. The 13MW installed capacity Madkyu Khola Hydropower Project (MKHP) is a run-of-river project located at Parche Village Development Committees (VDC) of Kaski district and utilize water from Madkyu Khola.
>>> IPO Result – Nepali Mero Share
>>> How to Apply IPO from Mero Share
The 13MW installed capacity Madkyu Khola Hydropower Project (MKHP) is a run-of-river project located at Parche Village Development Committees (VDC) of Kaski district and utilize water from Madkyu Khola. The project comprises diversion weir with under sluice, intake arrangements followed by inlet canal, settling basin, headrace canal, forebay followed by penstock pipe and powerhouse followed by tailrace canal. The generated power is evacuated through 33 kV transmission lines of 14.5 km up to Madi Sub Station and 13 km of 132KV transmission line from Madi Substation and connected with the Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS) at Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)’s Lekhnath substation in Kaski District.
The Madkyu Khola project has been already commissioned and started its generation with the Commercial Operation Date (COD) on 19th Chaitra 2074. Sikles Hydropower Ltd has been registered in the Government of Nepal dated 2061.04.13 BS in the office of the company Registrar, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu. The private registration number is 29784.061/062 the company has been registered in PAN with number 301698786.
BOK Capital IPO Result of Sikles Hydropower

BOK Capital IPO Result of Sikles Hydropower ltd is available here. If you want to know that how to check BOKL Capital IPO Result, then you can check it here.
B.O.K Capital Market Limited (BOKCML) is a company registered under the Company Act 2063 on 19th Chaitra, 2072 (1st April 2016) and licensed from Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) on 19th Mangsir 2073. It is the financial services vertical of Bank of Kathmandu (The Holding Company).
If you want to know how to check BOKL capital IPO result, then you need to follow the below steps what we suggested here. It is very simple;
- Go to BOKL Capital official web page
- Select the IPO related company name
- Write your 16 digit BOID number
- Click on Search bottom
- You will get the IPO result.
You will find the IPO result there. You can take a screenshot of the result if you want and save it for your record. We hope that it will help you to find IPO results now if you are a new investor or an old one.
Mero Share CDSC IPO Result of Sikles Hydropower
Are you looking for Mero Share IPO Result CDSC COM NP to find out the result of IPO ? If Yes, it is here with the guideline to find out any IPO result when it is published. Before checking any IPO Result CDSC or IPO Result CDSC Check you need to ensure your 16 digit BOID. You need the 16 digit BOID to get Mero Share IPO Result or IPO Result CDSC com np Nepal. IPO Result CDSC can help you to find the Sikles Hydropower ltd share allotment at IPOResult CDSC com np IPO Result page. You need to click the above link and follow the step-by-step process to get results fast and first. It is another way to get the result of Sikles Hydropower IPO.
How to Check IPO Result at Mero Share (Allotment) of Sikles Hydropower?

Applicants of this Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) can check their IPO result allotment by login at the direct Mero Share link –
You can follow the step by step:
- Login at Meroshare official website –
- Select Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) IPO name at the dropbox;
- Write Demat or boid number
- Click on the ‘Submit’ button to know the result.
Your Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) IPO allotment result status will be available on your computer and or on your Smartphone.