Nepal Radio Nepal
Radio Nepal

Radio Nepal

Radio Nepal, the first radio of Nepal
Country: Nepal

Radio NepalRadio Nepal was established on 2 April 1951. Initially, the transmission covered duration of 4 hours and 30 minutes through a 250 Watt SW transmitter. Over the years, Radio Nepal has strengthened its institutional capacity considerably and diversified itself in terms of programme format, technical efficiency and coverage. Radio Nepal airs programmes on Medium Wave and FM frequencies. Regular broadcasts cover duration of 24 hours everyday which includes approximately 4 hours of provience broadcasts from 14:15 hrs. to 18:00 hrs. FM Kathmandu, the first FM-Channel in Nepal covering Kathmandu valley and adjoining areas was started in 1995 from its premises at Singh Durbar, Kathmandu.RADIO NEPAL: FM – KATHMANDUn consonance with the policy of forging ahead in tune with the changing broadcasting scenario, Radio Nepal launched the first FM Channel in Nepal on he 30th Kartik 2052 B.S.(16th Nov.1995). The FM Channel airs programmes on 100 MHz on the FM band through a 3 KW stereo transmitter installed at Khumaltar, Lalitpur. A fairly well equipped studio with stereo facilities has been established at Singh Durbar. This studio along with the provision of a standby studio has made it possible to broadcast programmes live. Radio Nepal has a policy of leasing out its air time to private parties to broadcast programmes on its FM channel by permitting private operators to use their own staff. These programmes have proved to be very popular among the urban youth of Kathmandu.NEWS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS Radio Nepal broadcasts news bulletins in at regular intervals (hourly) from 06:00 hrs until the close of the transmission. News bulletins in English are broadcast at 08:00 hrs, 14:00 hrs and 20:00 hrs everyday.In additional to the news in Nepali and English, there are bulletins in other languages at various timings. They are Magar, Gurung, Tamang, Rai Bantawa, Limbu, Newari, Bhojpuri, Hindi, Urdu, Tharu East and Tharu West, Avadhi, Sherpa, Maithili, Sanskrit, Kham Magar and Doteli. Special news bulletins for Children (Bal Samachar) have been broadcast as well. Radio Nepal attempts to provide prompt and accurate coverage of all national and international news including political, economic and social highlights in a balanced and objective manner. It attempts to safeguard the basic principle of public interest and the public’s right to be informed as the prime public broadcaster of the country. The station has designated stringer reporters in more than 50 districts for coverage of news and informationRADIO PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION THROUGH V-SAT NETWORKRadio Nepal started its program distribution through V-SAT Network from 26th August 1999. Earlier it was distributing its program to the different broadcast stations through the telephone lines of Nepal Telecom ( NT ). In the system introduced recently, the main hub station is at Singhadurbar, Kathmandu and the programme can be received in all the receiving stations. With the introduction of new system, an AM high quality monaural program channel is now available through the V-SAT. The system has the facility of upgrading to provide multichannel capability for further use.INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSRadio Nepal enjoys cordial relations with all friendly countries and broadcasting organizations. It is a member of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and liaises closely with the regional broadcasting centre and Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD). Training programmes at Radio Nepal are conducted on a regular basis either by in-house trainers or in cooperation with other friendly institutions. Several training courses have been conducted in cooperation with the Deutsche Welle (The Voice of Germany) and the BBC. Organizations like JICA, USIS and UNICEF have extended generous assistance in the past and continue to show renewed interests in our activities. Occasionally Radio Nepal joins hands with International broadcasting stations to co-produce programs of mutual interest.OUR FACILITIESRadio Nepal has its own studios for programme production, music recording, drama recording, talks shows and news broadcasts. A music library at its premises in Singh Durbar has a collection of about 40,000 songs. Foreign broadcasting Stations also make use of our Studio facilities and transmitters for live and other broadcasts on a rental basis. The Broadcasting Headquarters at Singha Durbar in Kathmandu has two broadcasting houses consisting of one drama studio, two music studios, one reporting studio, three continuity studios, one news studio and seven programme production studios. One of the music studios is equipped with a 24 track recording facility. This studio is open for hiring purposes for anyone desirous of recording music digitally whether solo track or for albums after payment of studio charges which are very relatively reasonable compared to other private studios. The complex also has one open air live theatre facility for functions and musical performances. Like other transmitting stations, the Head quarters also has a 100 kVA stand by diesel generator to cope with occasional power failure.ARCHIVINGThe mainstream of broadcasting business these days is moving towards digitization. Radio Nepal is making a modest effort to make use of the latest development in computer and digital radio. The task of digitizing old songs and mastering on digital format (COMPACT DISC) has been initiated. Today, CD has become the dominant digital storage medium due to its large storage capacity, high fidelity and low cost. Now our valuable songs of the good old days, which were recorded on analog reel tape, are getting new life. IN THE INTERNET In an attempt to reach interested listeners world wide, Radio Nepal has entered the Internet since April 1997. Since the start of this service, increasing numbers worldwide have visited the home page. The growing popularity of Radio Nepal in cyberspace is encouraging and there are plans in the offing to expand this service to include some programmes and music in addition to the existing Nepali and English news bulletins , program in the evening and Akhabar, Antar Sambad in the morning (a news and current affairs). Information about Radio Nepal and its contents can be accessed through its portal In order to broaden its coverage and reach worldwide, Radio Nepal has also commenced Online Radio Service since December 2006. One can access live Radio Nepal contents though the same portal. The service on internet broadcasting has continued with joint efforts of Radio Nepal and NITC, Singhadurbar. 

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