Are you looking for Vaccine Registration Nepal ? Do you wants to vaccine registration Nepal Website ? Then, this will be share here with registration method and tips to get vaccine. If you want to take vaccine, you need to register online system in Nepal. It is easy and who did not do entry self, you can contact the ward office health unit where you can register this form. You need to go there with your citizenship card or national identity card or other any name and aged verification documents.
Vaccine Registration Nepal Form
Vaccine Registration Nepal Form created in Nepali language.Simply, you can entry your information on the registration Nepal form. When you completed it, then you will get the online registration Nepal number. You need to take screen shot of the page with number and you need to go vaccine centre when the vaccine campaign runs.
How to Sign up for Covid Vaccine ?

Are you looking for how to sign up for COVID Vaccine ? If yes, you can follow the step by step hereunder;
- Go to the vaccine registration Nepal website
- Fill your original name, citizenship card or other Government Documents identity number, date of birth, vaccine center.
- Submit the form
- Print or take screen shot of registration number and name.
- Go to the Vaccine center when vaccine campaign organize and take vaccine.
Online Registration Nepal
Online Registration Nepal is available in Nepalese and English language. You can fill the form as individual or you can fill form of others family members or friends and organization can also fill form of their employee. It is free and volunteer work. If you did not fill form yourself, please contact your ward office where you are currently live.
This article is written for social awareness and make easy to fill the registration Nepal by themselves. Please share it with your friends through social media so that the Government vaccine campaign will complete successfully very soon.
list of Government Hospitals in Nepal