Word Count Generator

The word count generator is the tool to find the Character Count, Word Count and Without White Spaces. You just copy text and paste the text in below box to find the fast result.

Words & Characters Count Tool

Character Count


Word Count


Without White Spaces

500 000

Features of Word Count Generator

Word Count Generator is an easy to use online tool for counting words and characters. Some features as follows;

  1. Easy to use
  2. Copy and Paste then get result
  3. Easy to share with friends
  4. Fastest tool that save your time
word count generator

Why should you need to count word ?

Counting the word is necessary to write up article and essay. When you need to make specific target of word. Then, this tool is very helpful to you.

Aside from collecting words and characters, our online editor may assist you in improving word choice and writing style, as well as detecting grammar errors and plagiarism if desired.

Simply place your cursor in the text box above and begin typing to check the word count. As you type, delete, and modify, the amount of characters and words will increase or decrease.

You can also copy and paste text into the web editor above from another program. The Auto-Save feature ensures that any changes you make while editing are saved, even if you leave the site and return later. You can bookmark this page for your regular use of the tool.

It’s useful to know how many words are in a text. For example, suppose an author is required to write a certain number of words for an article, essay, report, narrative, book, or paper.

Word Counter will assist in ensuring that the word count meets a specified criteria or remains under a set limit.

The top 10 keywords and keyword density of the article you’re creating are displayed by WordCounter.

This enables you to see which keywords you use the most and in what proportions.

This might help you avoid overusing particular words or word combinations and ensure that keywords are distributed evenly throughout your writing.

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