Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result-Check out Now

Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result-Check out Now
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Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result published on Monday, 9 July 2021. The IPO was allocated at the premises of the issue manager NMB Capital. Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited closed the IPO issue for 3,89,000 units of ordinary shares worth Rs. 3.89 crores on Ashad 21, 2078.
As per allocated share of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result. a total of 6,058 units was distributed for the employees of the company an 5 % shares allocated to mutual funds and remaining 3,63,492 units were for the general public.

NMB Capital is the issue manager. According to the issue manager, 20,36,245 applicants have applied for a total of 2,65,74,050 units. This is the data reported after the issue closed. Thus, the issue is oversubscribed more than 73 times. After the IPO issue, public holding will be 32.11% and promoters holding will be 67.89%.

The Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result is available at mero ipo result, ipo nepal or Nepali share app. NMB Capital Limited is the issue manager for the IPO issuance. According to CDSC, it was oversubscribed 73 times. A total of 20,36,245 applicants applied for a total of 2,65,74,050 units. Some applications may be invalidated during verification. After the issuance of 19,77,300 units worth Rs. 19.77 crore IPO shares, public holding will be 32.11% and promoters holding will be 67.89%.
How to check the Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result ?

 Open the browser in your mobile, laptop or PC
 Click on mero ipo result or ipo nepal or Nepali share app
 Login on mero share or select the company and put the BOID Number 
 Click on View Result than your result will appear there.

or, Next Method to find out the IPO Result:

 Open the NMB Capital Page from Here
Choose Company
First Name
Middle Name and Last Name
Enter BOID
 Click on Submit

Another Method to check IPO Result of Manakamana Laghubitta is as follows;

 click on the Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MSLBSL)
 Find the IPO Result page and put your information

Manakamana smart laghubitta ipo, Manakamana smart laghubitta eps, Manakamana smart laghubitta branch, Manakamana smart laghubitta ipo date, Manakamana smart laghubitta share price,
About Manakamana Smart Laghubitta

Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MSLBSL), with Its central Office at Siddharthanagar Municipality ward No. 5, Maitripath Bhairahawa , Rupandehi, is a public limited company. It is duely registered under Company Act 2063 at the Office of Company Registrar, kathmandu on 2074/06/25 B.S and licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank on 2074/10/02 B.S. to operate financial servies as "D" class Micro Finance Institution. MSLBSL has started its financial operation from 2074/11/06., beginning from Bhairahawa Branch Rupandehi.
From 2076/04/11,former Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd,with its head office at Ghorahi Dang, has been merged and thus,it was named Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited(MSLBSL).
Area for Coverage:
Working Area of MSLBSL is Lumbini Province and upto 2077 Chaitra end MSLBSL has exteded its 36 branches in Rupandehi,Nawalparisi(W),Kapilbastu,Arghakhachi ,Palpa,Gulmi,Dang,Banke & Bardiya districts. MSLBSL has planned to cover all the 12 districts of Lumbini Province within 1 year , with at least one branch in each distict.

• To be a recognized national level microfinance institution with commitment for improving the qulity of life of the deprived people through inclusive microfinance services that ultimately contribute in poverty alleviation.
• To empowering rural people for attaining self-sustaining socio-economic upliftment.
• To make the unit a pioneer in joint and participatory work as well as effective networking to build a Microfinance-oriented culture aiming to promote the Microfinance activities in order to ensure the sustainability of the effective goals of Microfinance as a mechanism to reduce poverty.
• To economically empower micro-entrepreneurs and low income earners by providing financial services in a sustainable, ethical and profitable manner.
• Inclusive and client friendly micro financing to the deprived people who don't have access to financial institutons.
• Deliver Financial literacy and aware the deprived people about self employment and skill development
• Inhence women's access to fundamental services and rights.

Manakamana Smart laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha limited(MSLBSL), with its central office at Bhairahawa, Rupandehi is a D class financial institution licensed by NRB and its working area is Lumbini Province for operating microfinancing activities. Microfinancing inclusively, qualitatively and transperantly in sustainable and cost effective manner for the improvement of socio-economic condition of deprived people of Lumbini Province is the main objective of MSLBSL. we want to provide need based , client friendly , and faster services for clients with the help of latest information technology and committed employees.
Along with micro finance servives MSLBSL will also focuss on skill development to create self employment . Financial literacy,awreness about social and educational activities to clients will be additional responsibility of MSLBSL . MSLBSL will expand its coverage area all over the province within a year and we are committed to promote MSLBSL to national level MFI within 5 years.
Transformation of clients' life into better quality through micro finance is our dream and to make it come true we seek support from all stake holders, local authorities, Govt, NRB, Commercial banks and financial institutions in this mission. Thank you.
Ajay Goenka

Manakamana Smart laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha limited( MSLBSL) is one of the MFIs licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank as D class financial institution having working area of Lumbini Province for operating microfinancing activities. Contribution of a MFI in creating self empolyment opportunities and strengthening rural economy through easy supply of loan to people who do not have access to micro finance is still needed. Microfinancing has become challanging in recent couple of years. High delivery cost, high cost of fund and high expectations of clients has compelled MFIs to introduce cost effective , more productive and and expanded network.
MSLBSL is quite aware of institution's both social and economic service supply.Upliftment of socio- economic status of customers is first priority for us. self employment with enterpreneurship skill is the slogan of MSLBSL . we are aware of the client protection, social performance and sustainability issues. It will continue to work in increasing financial inclusion and creating benefits for the clients. MSLBSL is committed to design client friendly products, services, delivery models to meet clients' need.
MSLBSL was established as Manakamana Laghubitta Bittiya sanstha Limited on 2074/06/25 and started its operation from 2074/11/06 . Former Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited was merged with Manakamana Laghubiita Bittiya Sanstha Limited on 2077/4/11 and started operation as Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (MSLBSL) . Up to 2077 end it has expanded 36 branches in Lumbini Province. we have planned to cover the province with at least one branch in each district within one year. From the Beginning we have paper less banking system and as per the clients convenience and for high productivity we have started SMS alert system for all transactions . We are committed to introduce latest information technology for quick and cost effective service delivery system.
MSLBSL is highly conscious to provide microfinance service to the poor people residing in the areas with difficult accessibility . Microfinance itself is not sufficient to achieve the goal of poverty reduction, rather it needs the support of the Govt., policy makers , regulatory authority , commercial banks and all the stake holders for maintaining microfinance friendly invironment so that MFI can be able to provide clienlt friendly and productive services.

I would like to express my sincere thankfulness to Promoters, NRB, Govt of Nepal, Board of Directors and all concerned authorities and institutions who helped us establish and operate MSLBSL.
Thanks to all staff for their sincerity, commitment and devotion to run the institution smoothly. Thanks to all the clients associated with us for their attachment and trust in MSLBSL . On behalf of MSLBSL I would like to ensure commitment for the qualitative and client friendly services and achievement of institutional goal. Thank you.
Dev Singh Bista

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