Are you looking for ipo result to find out the result of IPO ? Yes, it is here with guideline to find out any IPO result when it published. Before checking any ipo result you need to ensure your 16 digit BOID. You are thinking that where can I find my 16 digit BOID ? You are right, if you did not know about it, please follow the following process to find your 16 digit BOID.
Steps: ipo result
- Go to Mero Share CDSC login
- Select your Bank or Capital where you opened your DEMAT Account
- Provide your user’s name and password
- Go to the my details tab and click on it
- Then Copy the 16 digit BOID number
- Open the IPO Result CDSC page
- Select the IPO company name
- Than paste the 16 digit BOID number
- And Click on view result button
- Your result will appear there.

CDS and Clearing Limited, a company established under the company act is a company promoted by Nepal Stock Exchange Limited (NEPSE) in 2010 to provide centralized depository, clearing and settlement services in Nepal. The company is inaugurated on 31st March 2011. The CDSC is run the ipo result. The main objective of the company is to act as a central depository for various instruments (Equity, Bonds, and Warrants etc) especially to handle securities in dematerialized form. This organization is entrusted with the safekeeping, deposit, and withdrawal of securities certificates and transfer of ownership/rights of the said instruments. The depository functions will be performed by the company under the securities regulations of Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON). CDSC is a wholly owned subsidiary company of Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd. (NEPSE) which was established on 7th Poush 2067.
Board of Directors
Mr. Chandra Singh Saud – Chairman
Mr. Niranjan Phuyal – Member
Mrs. Prabin Pandak – Member
Mr. Murahari Parajuli – Member
Mr. Purna Prasad Acharya – Invitee Member
Mrs. Sabina Pujari – Company Secretary
The major objective of CDSC is to render the service by dematerializing the securities (such as shares, preference shares, debentures, bond, government securities, etc.) and update the transactions in the record by safeguarding the deposit on behalf of the buyers.
The services CDSC provides are as mentioned below:
– Deposit, withdrawal and transfer of securities,
– Electronic credit of securities directly into the investor’s demat account allotted in Initial Public Offering (IPO),
– To safeguard the investors’ securities into the electronic form and to
debit/credit the particular investor’s account as per the transactions
occurred in the book entry system,
– Quicker distribution of securities allotted by issuers under IPO and
corporate actions and benefits of the issuers,
– To provide secure and convenient electronic procedures for pledge and unpledge of securities.
– To provide updated statement and reconciliation statement.
Dematerialization is a process of converting physical securities into electronic form.
Rematerialization is the process of converting securities held in a demat account in electronic form back in physical certificate form.
A Beneficial Owner is the person who have opened the demat account with CDSC through a registered DP in order to deposit their securities or instruments which are capable of being deposited in demat form.
A Depository Participant is an agent of the depository who has received the registration certificate from the Security Board of Nepal and the membership license from CDSC.
An issuer means any entity such as corporate bodies/government organizations that issue securities or market instruments to the public to raise its capital and those securities and instruments can be held in depository in electronic form.
Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) means any person / body corporate who on behalf of any corporate body, maintains the records of holders of securities issued by such body corporate and deals with all matters connected with the transfer and redemption of its securities.
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We hope that this guideline and information will help you to find out the ipo result and understand the its importance in share market.
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