Are you looking for INGO-NGO Jobs in Nepal ? INGO-NGO jobs are very popular jobs for employee. The payment is high and benefits are good for employee. Save the Children, UNICEF, UNDP, Plan International, OXFAM, ActionAid Nepal, Swisscontact, ADRA/Nepal,BBC Media Action, CARE Nepal, Child Fund Japan, FHI360 Nepal,Good Neighbors International, Helen Keller International,Heifer Project International, HELVETAS etc. are some of the popular INGO working in Nepal.
How to apply job vacancy ?
You need to read carefully the job vacancy and prepare the CV and cover application for the post than follow the application method as per job opening vacancy.
How to get experience to apply job vacancy ?
You need to choose your field than you can enroll in UN internship program likeminded other organization internship program and volunteers program. That will help you to earn the experience to develop your career.