3 Years BA Second Year Result 2078: BA 2nd Year Result 2077

Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examinations, Balkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal has published the 3 Years BA Second Year Result 2078 BA 2nd Year Result 2077. TU BA 2nd Year Result 2078 / 2079 can check now to follow the below steps;

  1. Go to TU official website https://tuexam.edu.np/
  2. Find View Result Section
  3. Select the 3 YRS BA – 77 Second Year 2077
  4. Write the six-digit roll number in the box (like 140150)
  5. Click on View Result button
  6. You will get the result
3 Years BA Second Year Result 2078
BA 2nd Year Result 2077
BA 2nd Year Result 2077

How to check BA 2nd year result 2077 with Marksheet ?

Are you looking for how to check BA 2nd year result 2077 with Marksheet ? If you want to  check  TU Result 2078 or 3 years BA 2nd year result 2078 in your mobile phone, you need to follow the following steps;

  1. Open your message box with NTC SIM
  2. TYPE 3BA Space <Roll Number or Symbol Number> and send to 33624.
  3. You will receive your  BA 2nd year result 2077 with Marksheet in your message box.

>>> bbs 2nd year result 2077

>>> bbs 2nd year result 2077 with marksheet

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