8.5 Everest bank limited debenture 2086 Check Result

8.5 Everest bank limited debenture 2086 Check Result has published. Everest Bank Limited has completed the allotment for the public issue of the “8.5% Everest Bank Limited Debenture, 2086” now.

“8.5% Everest Bank Limited Debenture, 2086” was opened on 3rd Magh and closed on 17th Magh, 2078.

8.5 Everest bank limited debenture 2086 Check Result NIBL ACE Capital

8.5 Everest bank limited debenture 2086 Check Result
8.5 Everest bank limited debenture 2086 Check

Investor can easily check their 8.5 Everest bank limited debenture 2086 allotment status in NIBL ACE Capital website under the debenture Allotment from check list  (https://niblcapital.com/ ) when the debenture result published.

Step 1: Log on NIBL ACE Capital Website  https://niblcapital.com/  https://result.niblcapital.com/#/ipo-result

Step 2: Select the Company Name

Step 3: Write the 16 Digits Dmat Number

Step 4: Click on Search button and view your debenture allotment Result.

You can see the IPO allotment status in your laptop, desktop and handset. If you are facing any difficulties, please write your message in comment box.

Meroshare 8.5 Everest bank limited Debenture Result

Are you looking for Mero Share 8.5 Everest bank limited Debenture result to find out the result of IPO ? Yes, it is here with guideline to find out any IPO result when it published. Before checking any iporesult.cdsc.com.np ipo result you need to ensure your 16 digit BOID. You are thinking that where can I find my 16 digit BOID ? You are right, if you did not know about it, please follow the following process to find your 16 digit BOID.

A total of 20,00,000 units were issued at a par value of Rs.1000 per unit., a total of 12 lakh units (60% of the issue) were to be subscribed via private placement. A total of 8 lakh units(40%) were issued to the general public. A total of 40,000 units(5% of the public issue) was reserved for mutual funds.

Care Ratings Nepal provided the “CARE-NP AA-” rating which indicates low credit risk and adequate safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations.

According to the issue manager, NIBL ACE Capital, only 8,56,783 units of the total issue have been allotted to applicants. The “8.5% Everest Bank Limited Debenture, 2086” will mature on 2086 BS. The debentures provides investors 8.5% annual returns to investors.

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