Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana IPO Result

Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana IPO Result
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Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana IPO Result published on Friday. Ru Ru Hydropower IPO Result report, only 1 in 44 applicants got the 10 share each. According to NMB Capita, 16,69,019 applicants have applied for a total of 2,33,90,090 units. This data was taken after the issue closed day. As per this data, the issue is oversubscribed over 61.68 times in terms of the number of shares. The issue is also oversubscribed in terms of the number of applicants given that only 37,916 applicants will get 10 shares each. The company issued 4,07,706 units shares to the general public at Rs 120 per share including Rs 20 as a premium amount. A total of 2% of the issue, i.e. 8,154 units were set aside for the employees of the company and another 5% to mutual funds i.e 20,385 units. The remaining 3,79,167 units were purely for individual investors.

Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana IPO Result How to Check IPO Result

How To Check IPO Result ?

You Can Check IPO Result in Mero share CDSC sites:

(You Need to Choose Company & Enter BOID or DMAT number)

IPO Result Also Found in NMB Capital Site:
You Can Check IPO Result in your Mero share Account DASHBOARD:

(By login Mero share, you found Result in My ASBA menu & Application Report Submenu)


We know that it is the less opportunities or possibilities to get share of this company, but we need to try again and again. We have equal opportunities to  get share of such company.

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  • Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana IPO Result
  • Ru Ru Jalbidhyut Pariyojana IPO Result

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