Invitation for bids of Lalbandi Municipality

  1. Invitation for bids of Lalbandi Municipality
  1. Lalbandi Municipality, Office of Municipal Executive, Lalbandi Sarlahi invites sealed or electronic bids from eligible bidders under National Competitive Bidding procedures. Bidding is open to all eligible Nepalese Bidders.
  2. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased at office hours from the Lalbandi Municipality office, Lalbandi, Sarlahi, by eligible Bidders on submission of written application, along with duly attested copies of Bidder’s registration, VAT registration and Tax clearance certificate (Valid for Fiscal Year 2073/74), Joint venture agreement (in case of JV) and upon the payment of a non-refundable fee as mentioned in the table below within the office hour on or before 30th day from first day of notice published.
  3. Bidding Documents can be downloaded from e-GP system also.  Interested bidders shall register in the e-Gp System and deposite the cost of bidding documents Rs 3000.00 in the following bank.

   Name of the Office: Lalbandi Municipality, Office of Municipal Executive, Lalbandi Sarlahi            Name of Bank: Rastriya Banijya Bank, Lalbandi, Sarlahi

         Aantarik Aamdani Account No.: 1280304018102

  • Information to deposit the Bid Security Amount in Bank:- 

Name of Office: Lalbandi Municipality, Office of Municipal Executive, Lalbandi Sarlahi Name of Bank: Rastriya Banijya Bank, Lalbandi, Sarlahi Dharauti (Deposite) Account No.: 1280303007102.  

  • Pre-Bid Meeting shall be held at Lalbandi Municipality Office,Lalbandi Sarlahi at 2:00 hour on  20th day from first day of notice published.  
  • Electronic Bids must be submitted through on or before 12:00 Hr ( 31st day from first day of notice published) or the purchased bid documents shall be sealed in an envelope addressing to the office mentioned above, indicating name of the contract, contract identification number, name of the bidder’s firm and its detail address. The office shall not be responsible for any miscommunication incase of incomplete information about firm’s address.

The Bid must be submitted at Lalbandi Municipality on or before 12:00 Hr (31st day from first day of notice published)

  • Invitation for bids of Lalbandi Municipality shall be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 14:00 hour on (31st day from first day of notice published) at Lalbandi Municapility, office of Municipal Executive, Lalbandi Sarlahi. Nonattendance of any or all of the Bidders’ representatives shall not hinder the opening of the bids. Bids must be valid for a period of as mentioned in table below after the date of bid opening.
  • Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of minimum amount specified in table below either in the form of bank voucher confirming cash deposit in deposit account no. as specified above or a bid security (unconditional bank guarantee)issued by “A” Class commercial Bank as approved by Nepal Rastra Bank. The Bid Security shall be valid for 30 days beyond the bid validity period. Bidder must clearly quote the contract name and contract number in Bid security form (Bank guarantee) otherwise will cause disqualification of Bidder.  
Invitation for bids of Lalbandi Municipality

Introduction of Lalbandi Municipality

Lalbandi Municipality No. 2 out of 753 local levels formed on the recommendation of the Commission for Determining the Name, Number and Boundary of Village Municipality, Municipality, Autonomous, Protected or Special Area constituted in accordance with Article 295 (3) of the Constitution of Nepal 2072 BS. Sarlahi is a local level in the district. This municipality is famous all over the country for its production and export of Golbheda (Tomato) in Nepal. It has been built with adjustment.
The total area of ​​this municipality is 238.5 square kilometers. The total population is 59,395 (according to the 2068 census). There are 17 wards in this municipality. It is the municipality with the largest area of ​​Sarlahi district. The center of this municipality is ward no. The former Lalbandi located at 6 is located in the office of the municipality. Lalbandi Bazaar, located on the East-West Mahendra Highway, is one of the main commercial areas in the municipality. It is bordered by East Ishwarpur Municipality, West Hariwan and Haripur Municipalities, North Sindhuli District and to the south by Haripur and Ishwarpur. Due to increasing urbanization and increase in business activities, this municipality is becoming a center of attraction in the district and is developing as the largest municipality in the district. 
The whole municipal family is moving forward in a united manner for the prosperity, prosperity and development of this municipal area in the spirit of the slogan “Clean, Beautiful and Prosperous City, Shaan Lalbandi Nagar of Sarlahi”. The municipality is committed to the economic and social upliftment of women, Adivasi Janajati, Dalit, disabled and other areas within the municipality.

The richest aspect of Lalbandi municipality is the vegetable production here, in which tomato production has been introduced all over Nepal. As the Chure region lies to the north of the municipality, it is rich in forests and biodiversity. The municipality is rich in cultural heritage as it is home to Dabri Danda, Jalkini Temple, Dumdume Shibalaya Temple Complex, Vetini Temple Complex, various Buddhist monasteries, churches, mosques and mixed tribes. .

In the field of health services, 15-bed government hospital, 100-bed community cooperative hospital under construction and community eye treatment center and health services run by various organizations are available in this municipality. Janajyoti Multipurpose Campus, a community school that can be studied up to post-graduate level, 3-year Diploma Computer Overseer course affiliated to CTEVT and 15-month Sub-Overseer course, Jana Janjyoti Technical School, classes in Nepali and English medium Janajyoti U.M.V., which is studied up to 12, in all other wards. And M.V. As there are a total of 40 community schools and a large number of private schools established in the rural areas that have earned a reputation in the district, the education sector is also in the forefront. Despite the relatively small urban area, the condition of the roads is satisfactory. 

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