Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha ltd

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd is a national level “D” class financial institution promoted by Jeevan Bikas Samaj (Non-Governmental Organization). Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has been providing financial services since February 28, 2019. In accordance with the Regulations on Merger and Acquisition Bylaws of Banks and Financial Institutions, 2017 issued by Nepal Rastra Bank, the merger has been completed with Solve Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited and Garibi Nyunikaran Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited and the integrated transaction commences from September 7, 2020.

Moving forward with the main goal of building a Poverty-Free Nepal, Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited ( jblbsl ) has been providing various services to raise the standard of living of poor families in rural areas. Currently, 295 thousand families have directly benefited from the 138 branch offices of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. With the intention of reducing economic inequality and expanding the services to the rural and unserved areas, Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta is providing various types of financial services (saving, loan, insurance and remittance). To enhance the living standard of local community, Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya is also working in the fields of education, health, agriculture, energy, employment development etc. with the support and cooperation of the concerned agencies. For the development and promotion of cashless banking services, Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya is expanding its financial servicesin the rural areas in a simple and easy way by motivating the members towards the digital transactions. Keeping the interest of the members and the community at the forefront, Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya is providing timely facilities by studying the latest services that have a positive impact on the development of society.

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha ltd Share Price

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Share Price is increasing trend in secondary market. Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta opening price is Rs. 914 in the opening day on 29 July,2021.  Jeevan bikas laghubitta market price is Rs. 989.10 in opening day.  Jeevan bikas laghubitta bittiya sanstha limited share price did not predict now. It may reach near Rs.3000 to Rs.5000.

Jeevan bikas laghubitta share price today

Are you looking for Jeevan bikas laghubitta share price today ? If yes, you need to follow the nepse live trending and Nepse website. The Jeevan bikas laghubitta share price is Rs. 989.10 today, 29 July 2021.

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Financial Report

According to the Jeevan bikas laghubitta financial report, it’s earning per share (EPS) is Rs.183.10. This is reported by third quarter. Jeevan bikas laghubitta details shows that it’s P/E ratio is 5.40 which is the best for investment. The Book Value of this financial institution is Rs.388.29.

Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Website

Are you looking for the Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Website ? If yes, please go to jeevan bikas laghubitta website now. You can find there more details of this financial institution.

Find the Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO result

Conclusion: Buy or Sell ?

According to it’s financial report and status, we recommend to hold share if you have and if it is possible buy the share from secondary market up to Rs. 2500. But buying and selling is depended on your own decision.  

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