Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO Result – Published Date (2022/2078)

Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO Result (Published Date) has confirmed by issue manager, NIBL ACE Capital Limited IPO Result. According to NIBL ACE Capital Limited, Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO Result will publish on 24 February (3:00 PM), 2022. As per the pre-allotment result of IPO on 23 February 2022, a total of 25 Lakh 46 thousand 6 Hundred 40 applicants has returned empty hands.   You can check the status at Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO Result Date.

NIBL ACE Capital Limited IPO Result – Mero share IPO result: Status check

Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO Result Date
Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO Result Date

NIBL ACE Capital Limited IPO Result can check now here to follow some steps. If you are the applicants of IPO and want to check result easily. It will be helpful to find the IPO result from NIBL ACE Capital Limited.

You can find the result notice on NIBL ACE Capital Limited share allotment page. To check result of IPO, please follow the following steps and information;

  1. Go to NIBL ACE Capital Limited Share Allotment page site https://result.niblcapital.com/#/ipo-result
  2. Select the company name from list
  3. Write Your 16 Digits Dmat Number
  4. Then click on Check button and view your IPO allotment result.

You can find the IPO result in there. You can take screen shot of result if you want and save it for your record. We hope that it will help you to find IPO result from here.

How to Check IPO Result at Mero Share (Allotment) of Rastra Utthan Laghubitta:

Applicants of this Rastra Utthan Laghubitta can check their IPO result allotment by log in at the direct Mero share link – Meroshare.cdsc.com.np

You can follow the step to step:

  • Login at Meroshare official website – Meroshare.cdsc.com.np
  • Select Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO name at the dropbox;
  • Write Demat or boid number
  • Click on the ‘Submit’ button to know the result.

Your Rastra Utthan Laghubitta IPO allotment result status will become available on your computer and or on your Smartphone.

A total of 8,50,000 shares issued by the company, 0.5 percent or a total of 13,000 shares were secured for its company employees. Another 5 percent or a total of 42,500 units for the collective investment funds were secured. And the remaining 7,94,500 units were opened for sale to the general public.

In the company’s IPO, 26,26,090 applicants have applied for 3,04,31,370 shares worth Rs 3 billion 4 crore 31 lakh 37 thousand rupees. Which is 38.30 times more than the 7,94,500 shares allotted to the general public.

As there are more applications than demand in the company’s shares, only 79,450 eligible applicants will receive shares at the rate of minimum 10 units as per the Securities Issuance and Distribution Directive. Accordingly, it is seen that more than 25 Lakh 46 thousand 6 Hundred 40 people will not receive shares.

At present, the paid up capital of the company is Rs. 175 million. The paid up capital of the company will reach Rs. 260 million after the IPO allotment.

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