login is used to login to buy and share from secondary market. The TMS13 is the Thrive Brokerage House which is providing the good services in Nepal. The Tms13 login will help you to share trading in NEPSE live market.
The Tms13 online page will provide you login and set forgot password services as well as trading of any share from the list companies.
Are you looking for tms13.nepse ? If yes, please copy the url of this and paste is on the browser and press the enter the key. You will reach the tms13 nepse tms page. Than you can enter the user, password and catpcha then press the login bottom.
TMS13 Online Registration – login
If you did not have the tms account to login, then you need to registration through TMS13 online registration. The tms13 online form will help you to registration for new account. You can find the form to tms13 registration here.
Step 1: Go to the tms13 registration page :
Step 2: Enter the general details
Step 3: Write your address details
Step 4: Enter your bank details
Step 5: Write your depository details
Step 6: Upload your documents
You will get email to reset password from Thrive Brokerage House. Then you need to reset your password.
Thrive Brokerage House Pvt. Limited
Thrive Brokerage House Pvt. Ltd. is a stock broker company established way back in 31st Ashad,2053 B.S. (15/07/1993 A.D.) Initially the company was incorporated under the Company Act of Nepal as Annapurna Securities Pvt. Ltd. registered in the Office of Company Registrar. Later on after the ownership change of the company the name was changed to Thrive Brokerage House Pvt. Ltd. from 2nd Shrawan,2067 B.S. ( 18/07/2010 A.D.) The company is licensed by the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) and a member of Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd. (NEPSE). It is also a Clearing Member of CDS and clearing Limited (CDSC).
Thrive Brokerage is one of the founder member of Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd.(NEPSE) and as the stake holder of NEPSE we are involved in the market from the very beginning of stock market in Nepal i.e. from the era of “Open Out Cry System”. It is the 13th company out of the 25 companies which were initially given the license of stock broking for the very first time in Nepal and so it is a company known from the Stock Broker Member Code No. 13. The company has its office at Bacchapokhari Marg, Naxal, Kathmandu-1 and a Work Station office at Gairapatan, Pokhara-4 which came into operation from 25th Chaitra,2066 B.S. ( 07/04/2010 A.D.)
Thrive Brokerage is providing full fledged broking services of securities/shares and along with that we are also providing Depository Participant (DP) services through a public company promoted by us i.e. Nepal DP Limited.
Thrive Brokerage is in the Nepalese stock market from past more than 20 years and in these long years with our dedicated professional services we have a large number of satisfied individual clients who have been trading with us from a very long time back. Our institutional clients comprises of various private organizations along with listed and non listed public organizations. Further more in these past long years we do have also worked for some very renowned international organizations as our clients and to name them, they are :
International Finance Corporation ( IFC )
Asian Development Bank ( ADB )
Oberio Hotels
Korean Development Bank ( KDB )
Thrive Brokerage House login is known as broker 13 nepse or 13 broker and or broker 13 tms. If you want to start Thrive Brokerage House online trading, then you can fill the Thrive Brokerage House online form. It is same as TMS online form.
Thrive Brokerage House Contact Number
Thrive Brokerage House contact number or tms13 phone number is see in below;
House No. 35, Bacchapokhari Marg Naxal, Kathmandu – 1
Phone :01 – 4419051
Fax :01 – 4416018
Post Box No :101, Kathmandu, Nepal
Pokhara Branch
House No.- 57, Gairapatan, Pokhara – 4
Phone :061 – 522935
Email :
Thrive Brokerage House tms login
Are you looking for Thrive Brokerage House tms login ? If yes, you can to through this log page url :