BBS 2nd Year Result 2079 published today. Students can check their 4 year bbs 2nd year result 2079 now.
Are you looking for 4 Year BBS 2nd Year Result 2078 or bbs 2nd year result 2022 or 4 years bbs 2nd year result ? then you can check it from below suggested methods.
Summary of bbs 2nd year result
Here is the summary of bbs 2nd year result. You can see details in table;
SN. | Details | Result | Remarks |
1. | Tribhuvan University | 4 Years BBS 2nd Year Result 2077 | |
2. | Total Students | 70780 | |
3. | Passed | 20004 | |
4. | Failed | 37040 | |
5. | Failed and partial absent | 7330 |
How to check BBS 2nd Year result through SMS
If you are looking for how to check BBS 2nd Years Result through SMS, the you need to follow the steps;
Step 1 : Go to your message of NTC SIM mobile
Step 2 : Type 4BBS Space your Symbol Number
For Example- 4BBS 325122421
Step 3 : Send this message to 33624 number
You will receive your result in message box.
How to see bbs 2nd year result with marksheet
If you want to check BBS 2nd year result 2077 with marksheet, then you need to follow that how to see bbs 2nd year result with marksheet. You can get your subject wise marksheet in sms above method and you can also check it from below TU official website page method. To check bbs 2nd year result, please follow the steps;
Step 1: Go to the TU Official Website result page
Step 2 : You need to go TU’s Result Option on the home page
Step 3 : Click on Select Result and then choose BBS 2nd Year
Step 4 : Write Your Roll Number
Step 5 : Then click on View Result
You will get your result of bbs 2nd year.