Excel Development Bank Right Share has opened for the general public shareholders of Excel Development Bank Limited. Excel Development Bank Right Share opened the 10:3 or 30% right shares from Oct. 11, 2021. Shareholders of Development Bank Limited can apply the right shares from Ashwin 25 to Kartik 14, 2078. The cost is only Rs.100. It is the value of IPO of Development Bank Limited. So, don’t miss the opportunities to apply the rights share.
Symbol | EDBL |
Name | Excel Development Bank Limited |
Sector | Development Bank |
Listed Shares | 11,517,923.00 units |
Paid Up | Rs. 100.00 |
Total Paid Up Value | Rs. 1,151,792,300.00 |
Rights Share | 10:03 |
Opening Period | Ashwin 25 to Kartik 14, 2078 |
Operation Date | 7/21/2005 |
Phone Number | 023-543714 |
info@edb.com.np | |
Address | Birtamod ,Jhapa |
After the right shares issued by the bank, the paid up capital of issues is Rs. 24,33,36,367.42. So, a total of 24,33,363.67 shares will be issued. NIBL Ace Capital is the issue manager of this right share. This rights shares was approved by the regulatory board on Shrawan 31. The company had submitted it on Jestha 27, 2078.
The shareholders who purchased the shares of bank till Ashoj 01, 2078, can apply for the right shares issue now. ICRA Nepal provided a BBB- issuer rating, denoting timely attainment of financial obligation and medium credit risk.
How to apply for Excel Development Bank’s Right Share from mero share?

You can apply for 30% confirm for allotted Excel Development Bank right share from meroshare cdsc com np login page;
Step 1: Open the https://meroshare.cdsc.com.np/#/login
Step 2: Go to the My Asba from Menu
Step 3. See on Apply for Issue page
Step 4. Click on apply button
Step 5. Provide the required information
Step 6. Submit the application for company right share. Note: Right Share can only apply who had already been the company share. It did not apply by other public.
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