Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for local

Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for local resumes its IPO process from Shrawan 5 for Sindhupalchowk locals. It will be closed by Shrawan 17 at earliest. This IPO was earlier halted since Baisakh 25, 2078 due to pandemic in Nepal. The eligible locals of Sindhupalchowk district can apply for minimum 50 unit to maximum 400 unit shares in Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO. A total of 60 Lakh ordinary shares opened for local investors.

The company has allocated 32 collection centres in Sindhupalchowk district whereas 7 such centres in Kathmandu for investors to apply the IPO. Investors can also apply through ASBA member BFIs and via eSewa and  IME Pay service.

madhya bhotekoshi IPO for local

How to apply ipo of from Mero Share ?

Please follow the following steps to apply the Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for local from Mero Share. If you face any difficulties to apply, please share your queries with us. We will try to solve as soon possible.

Step 1. Go to the Mero Share site

Step 2. Login

Step 3. Go to My Asba from Menu

Step 4. See in the Apply for Issue and click on Apply

Step 5. Provide required information and submit

Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for general public

Madhya Bhotekoshi offers IPO for local now. It will be closed by 17 Shrawan then Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for general public will open. Currently Madhya Bhotekoshi IPO for general public is not published.

Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalvidyut Company Limited

Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidyut Company Limited (MBJCL) is a subsidiary company of Chilime Hydropower Company Limited, registered as public company in july 2010. MBJCL has planned to develop Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project (MBKHEP) with an installed capacity of 102 MW in Sindhupalchowk district of Central Development Region.

Tri-partite loan agreement has been signed between EPF, Chilime and MBJCL for debt portion. The equity investment will be made through 51% promoter share and 49% public share. Chilime is a leading company with 37% share.

Notice of Re ISSUE OPEN NOTICE for IPO Second Phase for Sindhupalchok District

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