MCC – Millennium Challenge Corporation responded to Nepalese Government

The U.S. government responded to a question from the Nepalese government on the controversial issue of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). The U.S. government has already given written answers to several 11 questions.

 Last Friday, the Ministry of Finance wrote a letter requesting a clear response to several controversial questions about the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Millennium Challenge Corporation

 “The U.S. government has given a written response,” said a Treasury Department official. In the letter, the Nepalese government requested clarification whether the MCC is part of the US Indo-Pacific strategy and whether the MCC is related to the US security policy. The

 MCC agreement was also asked whether it is necessary to comply with Nepalese laws and pass the parliament. The United States welcomes requests for clarification of all the questions raised by the audit system and says it can get answers. Fatima Sumar, Vice President of MCC The latest status of the Nepal MCC project took place before Nepal and the US government exchanged letters on the MCC. The

 Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) settlement was submitted for approval on July 12, 2009, and is still under consideration in the House of Representatives. The Nepalese parties are divided on whether to approve the MCC. Even on a general level, there is no positive view of MCC. Find All News.

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is an innovative and independent foreign aid agency. UU that helps lead to global poverty.

Bipartisan support created by the US Parliament UU In January 2004, MCC provides a good policy, ownership of the countries and the result of focusing on results, and how to provide us with foreign aid, I changed the conversation about whether it is what better. MCC promotes economic growth, promotes poverty reductions and promotes reinforcement agencies and provides limited time grants. These investments not only support the stability and prosperity of the other country, but also increase the benefits of the United States. With spending, lean staff and evidence-based approaches, MCC is an excellent investment in Americans. 

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