Nepal bidhut pradhikaran Vacancy 2078 published today. According to Nepal Electricity Authority, Nepali citizens can apply the position though online within 21 days from today. If you are eligible to apply, you can apply from Electricity Authority’s job application portal The age Limit to apply for the vacancy is minimum 18 Years old and not exceeding 35 Years. In case of female candidates, up to 40 Years of age candidates can apply now.
Vacancy Notice Publish Date: 2078/05/18
Vacancy Deadline to Apply: 2078/06/07
Deadline to Apply with double fee: 2078/06/14
More details Notice : Nepal bidhut Vacancy 2078

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) was created on August 16, 1985 (Bhadra 1, 2042) under the Nepal Electricity Authority Act. 1984, through the merger of the Department of Electricity of Ministry of Water Resources, Nepal Electricity Corporation and related Development Boards.
To remedy the inherent weakness associated with these fragmented electricity organizations with overlapping and duplication of works, merger of this individual organisation became necessary to achieve efficiency and reliable service.
The primary objective of NEA is to generate, transmit and distribute adequate, reliable and affordable power by planning, constructing, operating and maintaining all generation, transmission and distribution facilities in Nepal’s power system both interconnected and isolated.
Addition to achieving above primary objective, NEA’s major responsibilities are:
a. To recommend to Government of Nepal, long and short- term plans and policies in the power sector.
b. To recommend, determine and realize tariff structure for electricity consumption with prior approval of Government of Nepal.
c. To arrange for training and study so as to produce skilled manpower in generation, transmission, distribution and other sectors.
Management of NEA is entrusted to a Board of Directors which is constituted as follows:
1. Honorable Minister, Ministry of Energy : Chairman
2. Secretary, Ministry of Energy GoN : Member
3. Secretary, Ministry of Finance GoN : Member
4. One prominent person from commerce, industry, or financial sector : Member
5. One person from consumers group : Member
6. Two prominent persons with experience in power sector from outside government : Member
7. Managing Director, NEA : Member Secretary The Managing Director acts as member secretary as well as chief executive officer.