Mero share IPO Result Himalayan is available for applicants now. A total of 1,83,047 Lucky investors received 10 units share in Himalayan Hydropower Limited. Mero Share CDSC IPO Result of Himalayan Hydropower isfound at mero share CDSC result page or issue manager page.
Himalayan Hydropower Limited (HMHL) has announced the IPO allotment on Ashad 28, 2079. The allotment result program was held at 8:30 AM on the premises of the issue manager Global IME Capital. You can check it from Global IME Capital IPO Result page.
The Himalayan Hydropower Limited (HMHL) was issued the IPO of 18,30,472 units ordinary shares worth Rs 13.65 crore to the general public from 15th Ashad to 19th Ashad 2079. Out of the offered 19,68,250 units including local; 2% of the issued capital or a total of 39,365 units were allocated for the employees of the company and 5% of the total offered shares to the general public or a total of 98,413 units had been allocated for the mutual funds. The only remaining 18,30,472 units were allocated to the general public today.
According to CDSC Mero Share, the issue has received 16,32,802 applications applying for a total of 1,84,88,450 units of shares. The issue has been oversubscribed by almost 10.10 times for the IPO according to issue manager.
According to the IPO result, a total of 1,83,047 lucky applicants received 10 units each and more two lucky winner got 11 units shares. The remaining was returned with empty hands.
IPO Result Himalayan Hydropower Limited
You can find here the summary of IPO Result of Himalayan Hydropower Limited;
SN | Details | Results |
1. | Issues to General Public | 18,30,472 units |
2. | Allocated to applicants | 1,83,047 person |
3. | Allocated to company employee | 39,365 units |
4. | Allocated to Mutual Fund | 98,413 units |
5. | IPO Result date | July 12, 2022 |
How to check Himalayan Hydropower IPO result from Global IME Capital IPO Result

Applicants can easily check their IPO allotment status in Global IME Capital IPO Result website page under the IPO Allotment from check list ( when the IPO result published. The mero share is not provided fast result of some cases due to server error or load, so it will be very helpful you to know the Himalayan Hydropower IPO result.
Step 1: Go to Global IME Capital IPO Result
Step 2: Select the Company Name
Step 3: Write the 16 Digits Dmat Number
Step 4: Click on Search button and view your IPO allotment Result.
You can see the IPO allotment status in your laptop, desktop and handset. If you are facing any difficulties, please write your message in comment box.
How to Check IPO Result at Mero Share (Allotment) of Himalayan Hydropower IPO Result:
Applicants of Himalayan Hydropower limit can check their Himalayan Hydropower IPO result allotment by login at the direct Mero Share link –
You can follow the step by step:

- Login at Meroshare official website –
- Select Himalayan Hydro IPO name at the dropbox;
- Write Demat or boid number
- Click on the ‘Submit’ button to know the result.
Your Himalayan Hydropower IPO IPO allotment result status will be available on your computer and or on your Smartphone.
Namarjun Madi Hydro Power project
Namarjun Madi Hydropower Project (12 MW) is the project which is in operation since August 2015. The project is run of the river at Madi river of Kaski. For the execution of project company has entered into consortium agreement with various banks along with lead bank Janata Bank Nepal Limited.
Namarjun Madi Hydropower Project (12 MW) is the project which is in operation since August 2015. The project is run of the river at Madi river of Kaski. For the execution of project company has entered into consortium agreement with various banks along with lead bank Janata Bank Nepal Limited. Civil works of the project will be completed till Kartik end 2076. Installation of electromechanical equipment is ongoing in site. Power evacuation arrangement has been made with Super Madi Hydropower project (44MW) and Madhkyu Khola Hydropower Project (13 MW) and Namarjun Madi Hydropower Project (12 MW) and Upper Madi Hydro Project (25MW). Single Line Diagram Approval has been obtained from Grid Connection Department, NEA and other erection of transmission line will be completed till generation of electricity.
Salient Features of the project | ||
Namarjun Madi Hydropower project | ||
1 | Project Location | |
Development Region | Western | |
Zone | Gandaki | |
District | kaski | |
VDC | Namarjun & Sildujure | |
Latitude | 28°16 ’01″N to 28°17’43” N | |
Longitude | 84°05’00” E to 84°06’08” E | |
2 | General | |
Name of River | Madi River | |
Nearest Town | Kaski | |
Type of scheme | Run – of- river | |
Gross Head | 63.0 m | |
Capacity for PPA | 11,880 kW | |
Average Annual Energy after Outage | 66.342 Gwh | |
3 | Hydrology | |
Catchment Area | 365 km² | |
Mean Annual Discharge | 33.95 m³/s | |
Design Discharge | 23.75 m³/s | |
Riparian Release | 0.72 m³/s | |
Design Flood discharge | 1024 m³/s (100Yr. Flood ) | |
4 | Deversion weir | |
Type of weir | Boulder Lined weir | |
Length of weir | 44.0 m | |
Height of Overflow weir | 7.0 m (including Foundation) | |
Crest Elevation | 1012.0 m | |
5 | Undersluice | |
Crest Elevation | 1006.5m | |
Size | 2.0m x 3.5 m | |
6 | Intake Structure | |
Type of Intake | Side Intake ,Orifice Type | |
Size of Intake (w x H) | 3.0 x 1.75 m, 50 Nos | |
Intake Sill Level | 1010.05 m | |
7 | Gravel Trap /Approach Canal | |
Size of Gravel Trap (W x H) | 7.5m x 7.0 m | |
Length of Gravel Trap | 25.0 m | |
Spillway Length | 18.0 m | |
Size of Approach Canal (W x H) | 6.0 x 4.75 m | |
Length of Approach Canal | 30 m | |
8 | Desanding Basin | |
Type | Conventional Flushing | |
No of Chamber | 2 | |
Dimension (Lx B x H ) m | 110.0 m x 110 m x 9.5 m | |
Particle Size to be Settled | 0.2 mm | |
9 | Headrace Canal | |
Type | RCC Rectangular | |
Size | 4.4 m x 3.5 m | |
Length | 1,248 m | |
Longitudinal Slope | 1:1,500 | |
10 | Forebay | |
Type | Surface | |
Size (L x B x H ) | 42.0 m x 40.0 m x 3.5 m | |
Normal Water Level | 1009.5 m | |
11 | Penstock | |
Type | Steel Supported | |
Length of Penstock Pipe Line | 144 (+11 m Bifurcated Length) | |
Internal Diameter | 2.9 m | |
Thickness | 12 -18 mm | |
12 | Powerhouse | |
Type | Surface | |
Dimension | 27.3 m x 22.0 m x 13.3 m | |
Turbine Center Level | 947.9 m | |
13 | Tailrace Canal | |
Type | RCC CUT & Cover | |
Length | 85 m | |
Size (W x H ) | 4.0 m x 1.8 m | |
Tailrace water Level | 949.0 m | |
14 | Turbine | |
Type | Francis, Vertical Axis | |
Number | Two | |
Rated Output Capacity per Unit | 6,250 kW | |
Efficiency | 91.50% | |
15 | Governor | |
Type | Electro- hydraulic ,PID System | |
Adjustment for Speed Drop | Between 0 to 5% | |
16 | Generator | |
Type | salient pole synchronous | |
Rated Output Capacity per Unit | 6,000 kW | |
Power Factor | 0.85 | |
Voltage | 6.3 kV | |
Frequency | 50 Hz. | |
No of Units | Two | |
Excitation System | Brushless | |
Efficiency | 96.50% | |
17 | Transformer | |
Type | 3 phase, Oil immersed | |
Rated Capacity | 7,500 kVA x 2 | |
Voltage Ratio | 6.3 /132 kV | |
Efficiency | 99.00% | |
18 | Transmission Line to be Constructed by Company | |
Voltage Level | 132 kV | |
Length (Approx.) | 18 km | |
From | powerhouse (HEP) | |
To | Lekhanath | |
Conductor | ACSR “WOLF” Double Circuit | |
19 | Approach Road Connection | 2.0km (New) |
5.0 km (Upgrading) |
CDSC IPO Result Himalayan Hydropower
CDSC IPO Result Himalayan Hydropower : Are you looking for IPO Result CDSC COM NP to find out the result of IPO ? If Yes, it is here with the guideline to find out any IPO result when it published. Before checking any IPO Result CDSC or CDSC IPO Result you need to ensure your 16 digit BOID.
You need the 16 digit BOID to get Mero Share IPO Result or IPO Result CDSC com np Nepal. IPO Result CDSC can help you to find the Himalayan Hydropower Limited share allotment at IPO Result CDSC com np IPO Result page.
You need to click the above link and follow the step-by-step process to get results fast and first. It is another way to get the result of the Himalayan Hydropower Limited IPO.