If you want to know how to reset Mero Share login password or Mero Share login password forgot, then you need to change it by yourself. It is easy now. CDSC provides the reset or change the forgot password now. Mero Share Users will be able to reset their own passwords if they forget anytime.
Meroshare.cdsc.com.np Password forgot Reset Change Mero Share Password
When the user forgot the password, users need to go bank previously but you did not go to bank onward. You can change password yourself from your home. You just click the password reset link when you forgot it. Then after you need to follow the process of password reset.
Mero Share Login Password Forgot How to Reset Mero Share Login Password
When you forgot Mero Share login Password, how to reset Mero Share login Password ? You need to follow the below steps.
- Go to MeroShare.cdsc.com.np official website
- You can see there Forgot Your Password in the button
- Click on Forgot Your Password button
- You need to select your DP Depository Participants, User Name, Email Id and Date of Birth then click on send button.
- After send your information, you will receive “New Password has been sent to your email” as message.
- If your information did not match with record, you will see “the information you have provided doesn’t match with the registered information” as message. At that case, you need to entry your correct information again.
- If you provide correct information, you will receive the password reset email link.
- You can change the password through this reset link
- If you will entry too many times, you will receive a message “Maximum forgot password attempted”. At that case, you will try it only next day.
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