Re-Totaling Result of TU 2078 (2077) – How to Check Retotaling Result

Re-Totaling Result of TU 2078 (2077) Re-totaling Result of Humanities BA 3rd Year-2077 BBS 4th year Retotaling Result 2077 BBS 4th year Re-totaling Result 2078 Re-totaling result of TU 2078 How to check Retotaling Result ?

Re-Totaling Result of TU 2078 (2077)

If you are a student of TU, you can find here the Re-Totaling Result of TU 2078 (2077). It helps you to get your result fast and easy way. If you didn’t find your result, please let us know, we will update this as soon as possible.

Find here 4 year BBS 3rd year result 2078

Re-totaling Result of Humanities BA 3rd Year-2077                                                                                                

If you are students of BA 3rd year 2077, Tribhuvan University published the  Re-totaling Result of Humanities BA 3rd Year-2077. You can seeyour result in the below notice. If you are applied for retotaling, then here are the recent TU results;

Re-Totaling Result of TU 2078

Re-totaling Result of TU 2078

Re-totaling Result of TU 2078 can check you here. Sometimes, we will face difficulties to get a result. At that time, you can come to our result page and check there. If the result will publish, then you got the result page or post.   

BBS 4th year re-totaling result 2078

Are you looking for BBS 4th year re-totaling result 2078 or BBS 4th year re-totaling result 2077 ? then you need to see TU re-totaling result page as suggested below if you see the notice.

How to Check Retotaling Result ?

How to Check Retotaling Result ? If you want to check the re-totaling result of TU, then you can follow the following steps;

  1. Go to TU Re-totaling official website
  2. Select the year
  3. Select the Result
  4. Select the Part (0,1,2)
  5. Write the roll number
  6. Click on view result
  7. Your result will display there.

TU will update the result on the above site. In some cases, TU did not update the result on the result page. In that situation, you can find the result in TU notice.  

One of the major aims of Tribhuvan University is to produce internationally recognized skilled manpower essential for the all-round development of the nation. To fulfill this goal, the office of the Controller of Examinations undertakes the responsibility of students’ evaluation. The main functions of OCoE are:

  1. To conduct the examinations of most of the programs under the institutes and the faculties;
  2. To maintain the standard of examinations;
  3. To publish the results;
  4. To make the students know about their results instantly, it has made an arrangement of websites: and through SMS 33624;
  5. To distribute the mark sheets, transcripts, and academic certificates;
  6. To organize the convocation to confer the certificates on graduates, postgraduates, Master in Philosophy (M.Phil.), and Ph.D. graduates;
  7. To organize a special convocation to confer Honorary Ph.D./D.Litt, Honoris-causa      degrees on national and international outstanding Laureates;
  8. To maintain the academic calendar;
  9. To keep the records of all the examinations systematically; and
  10. To publish the list of medalists.
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