CTEVT exam routine 2078 CTEVT Re-Schedule Exam Routine 2022 CTEVT exam 2078 pharmacy CTEVT exam routine 2078 lab technician computer engineering www.ctevt.org.np 2078 CTEVT exam routine 2078 nursing general medicine www.ctevt.org.np exam routine 2077
CTEVT Notice has been published today by Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training. According to exam Routine 2022, the exam will start from Falgun 6, 2078.
CTEVT exam routine 2078 pharmacy

CTEVT exam routine pharmacy has been published today. You can see the details notice in the below table.
CTEVT exam 2078 lab technician
CTEVT exam 2078 lab technician is published, and you can find it below the link. You can see the exam routine 2078 lab, technician.
www.ctevt.org.np 2078
You can find all revised schedules in www.ctevt.org.np 2078, Technical Education and Vocational Training Council Examination Control Office Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published the CTEVT notice for CTEVT Exam Routine of Diploma Level Semester Examination System Regular / Partial Examination and Special Technical Education Scholarship Program. According to the Vocational Training Council, Examination Control Office, the exam will start from Falgun 6, 2078.
The entire CTEVT exam will conduct in home center of students. The semester examination is for the regular / partial and special technical education scholarship, the diploma in engineering, civil, architecture, refrigerator and AC. Mechanical, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Mechatonics, Automobile, Electronics, Geometrics, Computer, Hydropower, Food and Dairy Technology, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Social Work.
List of Schedules:
- Diploma in Engineering Third Year Second Part (New+Old Course)
- Diploma in Engineering Second Year Second Part (New+Old Course)
- Diploma in Engineering First Year Second Part (New+Old Course)
- Diploma in Bio-Medical Equipment Engineering (2014) Third Semester
- Ayurveda, Pharmacy, Forestry, Dental Science, AAM, Physiotherapy, Radiography Third Year (New+Old)
- Agriculture, PCL Nursing, General Medicine, Ophthalmic Science & Medical Laboratory Technology Third Year(New+Old)
- General Medicine, Ayurveda, Radiography, Medical Laboratory Technology, Forestry, Ophthalmic Science & AAM Second Year (New+Old)
- Dental Science (Dental Hygiene), Pharmacy, PCL Nursing & Agriculture (Plant/Animal) Second Year (New+Old)
- General Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Technology, Radiography, Ayurveda, Ophthalmic Science, Physiotherapy, Dental Science (Dental Hygiene), AAM, Yoga & Naturopathy, Forestry, Agriculture & PCL Nursing First Year (New+Old)
- Diploma in Engineering First Year Second Part (New Course)
- Diploma in Engineering First Year Second Part (Old Course)
Diploma Level Special Scholarship & DBME Semester Final Exam Routine-2078-10-19.pdf
Diploma & PCL Level Semes II yearly 1,2 & 3rd _Final Exam Routine 2078-10-19.pdf
The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) constituted in 1989 (2045 BS) is a national autonomous apex body of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector committed to the production of technical and skillful human resources required to the nation. It mainly involves policy formulation, quality control, preparation of competency-based curriculum, developing skill standards of various occupations and testing the skills of the people, conducting various research studies and training needs assessment etc. It has an assembly consisting of 24 members and a governing board known as the Council comprising nine members. Minister of Education chairs both the Assembly and the Council. The Council has a full-time Vice-Chairperson and a Member-Secretary.
CTEVT provides the technical training and courses which is very helpful to everyone.
Civil sub overseer