Sahas Urja IPO for General Public – How to apply from MeroShare

Sahas Urja IPO for General Public has opened on September 22, 2021. Interested applicants can apply for this public offering to the general public (IPO) from Ashwin 6 to Ashwin 10, 2078. The closing date of sahas urja ipo is Ashwin 10 but if it is not fully subscribed till the date, it will be extended up to Ashwin 20, 2078.

A total of the offered 70,00,000 units shares; 3% of the total offered shares (2,10,000 units) have been allocated for the employees of the company and 5% of the total offered shares (3,50,000 units) have been allocated for the mutual funds. The remaining 64,40,000 units are opening for the general public now.

How many share to apply for this IPO ?

Sahas Urja IPO for General Public
Sahas Urja IPO for General Public

Applicants can apply for minimum of 10 units to maximum of 10,50,000 units share for this Sahas Urja IPO for General Public. But you only apply for 10 units share because only 6, 44,000 applicants can receive the 10 units share each. It is also on the basis of lottery system.

According to NIBL Ace Capital Limited, issue manager for the IPO, the company has issued a total of 1.05 crore unit shares to public. The IPO for local public has already issued and allotted. After the issue of IPO for the public; the company’s paid-up capital will be reached Rs 3.50 arba. The public and promoter shares holding ratio will be 70:30 in the company paid up capital.

ICRA Nepal provided the rating of [ICRANP-IR] BB+ (pronounced ICRA NP issuer rating double B plus) to Sahas Urja Limited IPO. The Solu Khola project is the biggest hydro project in Nepal promoted by the private power producers and is being built with a total estimated cost of Rs 11.86 Arba where NIBL led a consortium of nine banks that have lent Rs 8.65 Arba.

How to apply IPO of Sahas Urja from MeroShare ?

How to apply IPO of Sahas Urja from Meroshare ? If you thinking to apply IPO of Sahas Urja from Mero Share, yes you need to follow our recommendation and tips which is described in the article.  Mero Share is commonly used to apply IPO.

How to apply IPO online in Nepal ? how to apply ipo of Sahas Urja from mero share ? or how to apply share from mero share ?

Apply IPO from Meroshare

If you are thinking about how to apply IPO online in Nepal, you need to go page. How to apply ipo through asba ? The same method for apply IPO though ASBA. So, the following steps to know how to apply ipo from mero share ? or how to apply ipo from meroshare ?

  1. Go to official website meroshare cdsc com np login
  2. Select Your DP (Bank or Capital where you open your mero share and CRN account)
  3. Enter the user name and password,
  4. Click on login bottom
  5. Go to my ASBA
  6. Click on my ASBA
  7. See on the Apply on issue
  8. Click on the Apply bottom
  9. Fill the required information (Select bank account, number of applied share)
  10.  Enter the CRN number in same page and click on all information is current option,
  11. Then click on apply
  12. Then write the four digit security code or OTP
  13. Then submit
  14. Application was completed; you will see that successfully applied with green color.

How do I apply for an IPO online?

APPLY Sahas Urja IPO from IPO Result Mero Share APP

Sahas Urja IPO Notice

Sahas Urja IPO Notice published by issue manager of IPO. You can find the IPO notice in official website of issue manager as well as the Sahas Urja  Official website.

Sahas Urja Share Price

Sahas Urja Share Price is Rs. 100 for apply of IPO. This will be traded in secondary market at Rs.405.33. The estimated price of Sahas urja limited ipo will reach up to Rs. 700 to Rs. 1100.  So, this is the good news for sahas urja ipo investors.

Sahas Urja Limited (SUL)

Sahas Urja Limited (SUL) has issued its 70,00,000.00 units of IPO shares to the general public starting from 6th to 10th Ashwin, 2078.

Sahas Urja Co., Ltd. (SUL) was established as a limited liability company in Magh 2070 BS and later became a listed company of Bhadra 2071 BS. It is composed of a group of veterans in the entrepreneurial field, with modern company innovative ideas and advanced development strategies and management ideas. Sahas Urja Co., Ltd. is committed to creating value for all shareholders and stakeholders, and is committed to becoming one of the most respected and trusted companies in the country. The plan is to make contributions to the national economy by accelerating hydropower expansion.  Hydro Venture Pvt. Limited Liability Company (HVPL) is a limited liability company whose main objective is to develop, construct and operate hydropower projects in Nepal. From the beginning, the company has focused on the development of the Solu Khola (Dudh Koshi) hydropower station. The company completed the feasibility study, environmental impact assessment and follow-up agreement, obtained a power generation license from the Ministry of Energy Development (DoED), and finally signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with the Nepal Electric Power Authority on February 25, 2015 . Regardless of whether the Solu Khola (Dudh Koshi) Hydropower Project (SKDKHEP) under Hydro Venture Pvt is licensed. Limited (100% subsidiary of Sahas Urja Ltd), the project was developed by Sahas Urja Limited (SUL). At this time, with the consent of the Commercial Registry (received on March 12, 2017), HVPL was completely acquired by (SUL), and the license transfer process from HVPL to SUL was completed on January 29, 2074 B.S. closure.

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