Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO Opening 9,60,000 Units IPO Shares to Nepalese Citizens Working Abroad from Today

Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO is opened of 9,60,000 unit to Nepalese citizens working abroad from today. The closing date of this issue is on Shrawan 15, 2080.

The issued capital of the Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited is Rs. 3.2 Arba of which 30% or 96,00,000 unit shares is going to issue for the public. Out of this total issue, 10% or 960,000 unit shares have been issued for Nepalese citizens working abroad now. The remaining of 86,40,000 units will be issued later to the general public.

The applicant needs to invest for Rs. 239 per share (Rs 100 face value + Rs 139 premium price) in this IPO.

Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO

Nepal SBI Merchant Banking is the issue manager of Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO. The IPO issue will be added a total of Rs. 2.22 Arba for the company.

CRNL has provided the ‘CARE-NP IPO Grade 4’ to the proposed Initial Public Offer (IPO) of Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited.

Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited is registered under the Company Act 2063, and has the requisite license issued by insurance board pursuant to section 10 of Insurance Act, 2049 to carry on life insurance business. Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited is a fast growing life insurance company which has managed to establish itself as a reliable and professional Insurance provider in the country in a very short span of time.

Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO

The capital structure of the company comprises of an authorized capital of 500 Crores. Out of which 224 Crores is paid up from the promoters and the remaining 96 crore is proposed to be called from public through an Initial Public Offering.

Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited is growing with the vision of providing “Security, Education and Prosperity For All.” Our Company is in constant pursuit of providing best customer service to people of all economics status and geographical locations. We have a strong branch network of 20 including 55 sub branches throughout the country with skilled management team dedicated to provide professional services. The management team includes the most experienced veterans from the insurance industry. These veterans have proven their ability to lead and nurture the organization.

>>>  Apply from Mero Share

>>> IPO Result – Nepali Mero Share

>>> How to Apply IPO from Mero Share

How to apply IPO from Mero Share ?

Are you looking for how to apply  IPO from Mero Share ? If yes, here is the steps to apply IPO.

  1. Go to official website
  2. Select Your DP (Bank or Capital where you open your mero share and CRN account)
  3. Enter the user name and password,
  4. Click on login bottom
  5. Go to my ASBA
  6. Click on my ASBA
  7. See the Apply on issue
  8. Click on the Apply bottom
  9. Fill in the required information (Select bank account, number of applied shares)
  10. Enter the CRN number on the same page and click on all information in the current option,
  11. Then click on apply
  12. Then write the four-digit security code
  13. Then submit
  14. Application was completed; you will see that successfully applied with green color.
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