Are you looking for Voter list Nepal 2079 ? You can find it here. According to the Voter list Nepal 2022, a total of 1,77,33,723 are the voters for the election. A total of 8992010 men, 8741530 women and 183 others are among them. They are voting for 35,221 seats, including 390 unopposed.
SN | Voters | Numbers |
1. | Men | 8992010 |
2. | Women | 8741530 |
3. | Others | 183 |
Total | 17733723 |
Voters are voting to elect people’s representatives from 7 am to 5 pm.
How to check voter list name ? Voter list Nepal 2079
Do you want to know about How to check voter list name ?, you need to follow the steps as follows. If you did not find your name in any voting center, then you need to check another voting center where you can find your name.
You can check Election commission voters list here. To check my name in voter list 2022, please follow the steps below;
- Go to the official website of Election Commission Nepal
- Select the Pradesh (State)
- Select the Jilla (District)
- Select Palika (Municipality)
- Select Ward numbers
- Select voting center
- Click on submit bottom
The voter list will be displayed you can click on it next to find your name.
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How many are competing in the election field?
A total of 145,011 candidates are for the election at 753 local levels in 77 districts. Out of which, there are 89,313 male candidates and 55,698 female candidates in the compitition.
A total of 35,221 people’s representatives will be elected from this number at the local election 2079. The commission Nepal also said that 390 people have been elected unopposed so far.
According to the report, a total of 79 parties were registered with the Election Commission for local-level elections. However, not all of these registered parties nominated candidates. There are 14 parties that have not registered a single candidate for the election. Currently, 65 parties have participated in the election by nominating candidates.
As a final, a total of 35,221 people’s representatives are being elected from this local level election. Of these, a total of 753 will be elected as municipal chiefs and village chairmen, and 753 will be elected as municipal deputy chiefs and village vice-chairpersons.
Similarly, 6,743 ward chairpersons will be elected for the wards in municipalities and villages. 6,743 women members, 6,743 Dalit women members and 13,486 open ward members will be elected in the election 2079. The vote casting is ongoing now. Most of the voting center is operating in the peaceful environment now.