Corporate Development Bank Right Share Result Civil Capital IPO Result

Corporate Development Bank Right Share Result can check now to following steps when it has been published. You can also find Corporate Development Bank Right Share Result on Civil Capital IPO Result page.  

Corporate Development Bank was issued a 1:1.5 right share from Magh 7 to Poush 26, 2078. The Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has already approved the rights proposal of Corporate Development Bank Limited (CORBL) on Poush 1, 2078 which is submitted by the company on Poush 26 last year.

Corporate Development Bank Right Share Allotment

Corporate Development Bank Right Share Result
Corporate Development Bank Right Share Result

Corporate Development Bank Right Share Allotment status can check in a various ways. You can find your result at Civil Capital’s official Website or mero share login page and or Mero share result page and  IPO Result – Nepali Mero Share App.

Civil Capital IPO Result

Corporate Development Bank Right Share issue manager is the Civil Capital. So, you can find the share allotment result on Civil Capital IPO Result page by following step by step process. If you are investor of Corporate Development Bank Right Share, you can follow the below process to find share allotment status now.

Step 1: go to Civil Capital Right Share page

Step 2: Select the Company Name

Step 3: Write the 16 Digits Demat Number

Step 4: Click on Search button and view your Right Share allotment Result.

You can see the Right share allotment status in your laptop, desktop and handset. If you are facing any difficulties, please write your message in the comment box.

CDBL Right Share Allotment

CDBL Right Share Allotment is available on its official page. If you have applied for the right share, you will receive the share. But if you did any mistake when applying it, you did not get due to error when you applied. Corporate Development Bank (CDBL) is ‘B’ class licensed financial institution from Nepal Rastra Bank. It started its commercial operation from 07th November 2007 (21st of Kartik 2064) from Birgunj providing various financial services.

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